Until recently, England was a country where fox hunting was almost a national pastime. Dogs were brought out especially for her and horses were trained. In 2004, Britain passed a law prohibiting this "cruel and barbaric" entertainment. There is no such law in Russia yet, and you can hunt a fox in Karelia, Yaroslavl, Tver, Kaluga and other regions.

gun, decoy, hounds, binoculars
Step 1
Be very careful when stepping on the fox. It is a cautious and cautious animal with excellent hearing and sight. At the slightest noise, foxes climb into burrows, and it is very difficult to get them out of there. It's good if you guess where the burrows are. Then it will be possible to put several hunters on them. The fox, having made several circles under the hounds, will certainly come to its place and fall right under the crosshair.
Step 2
Hide especially carefully if you decide to hunt in an open snow field. You should have white felt boots, a white robe with a hood, white gloves. Beware of unnecessary movements with the gun, otherwise the animal will run away.
Step 3
Choose an ambush if you decide to hunt with decoys. As a rule, a decoy imitates the squeak of a mouse or the cry of a hare. A fox creeping in the direction of the sound it wants, naturally should not see the hunter. Therefore, hide in a gully or behind a bump. The best option would be a branchy herringbone. Mask carefully, especially during daylight hours, when foxes are especially careful. At the same time, choose a place so that you can always see the beast. It would be nice if you bring your binoculars with you.
Step 4
On the so-called mouse foxes, i.e. hunt mice, hunt with hounds. Here's one way: Get out into the field in the early morning or late afternoon. Inspect your surroundings carefully with binoculars. Noticing a mouse fox, head towards it against the wind. On the way, be sure to use a cover (ravine, bushes, weeds, etc.) Approach a distance from which your dog can see the animal, untie the dog and set it on the fox. The hound will rush forward, notice the beast, catch up with it and strangle it.