Which Vase Is Suitable For Mini Orchids

Which Vase Is Suitable For Mini Orchids
Which Vase Is Suitable For Mini Orchids

As a rule, mini-orchids, which have become collectible and the best gift idea for a woman, reach consumers in inconspicuous flasks and require subsequent transplantation. One of the most suitable vessels for the growth and development of a plant is a vase, which should be chosen with great care.

Which vase is suitable for mini orchids
Which vase is suitable for mini orchids

Orchids are capricious and beautiful, the choice of a vessel is not easy for them. You will have to choose, carefully approaching the shape and size of the future "place of residence" of the flower. A vase is a kind of glass pot that does not require the use of additional substrate or filler.

Features of vases for orchids

It is believed that vases for phalaenopsis, vandas, oncidums, cattleyas should not have the correct geometric shape, it is desirable that it has an extension to the bottom, this will not only leave enough moisture for the plant, but will also keep the lower leaves intact. Cylindrical vases tend to cause creases and kinks, and round vases are popular.

Cylinders with full-surface openings are an excellent choice to provide additional ventilation to the plant.

The so-called glass bottles are widely used today. They are closed with a lid and keep the small flower upright and at the same time prevent moisture from evaporating.

The very popular Wanda orchid, which is a great decoration for any interior, is recommended to be stored only in glass. Long life and active flowering can be provided by a vase in the form of a glass or other low, but rather wide vessels.

Flasks and cylinders

The choice of narrow and long cylindrical containers requires close attention of the owner to the health of the flower, because such vases, as you know, do not contribute to good ventilation of the plant, retain moisture, and cause the multiplication of fungi and infections. In such cylinders, the orchid can be kept without the use of substrates, regularly removing the flower and immersing it in another, more convenient container for watering.

If you are satisfied with the chosen vase that does not meet the above requirements, make sure that the top of the flower is raised above the edges of the vessel, this will facilitate care and create more favorable living conditions. Ventilate all parts of the flower periodically, treat the roots with antifungal drugs.

A glass vase for an orchid is not only an interior decoration, but also a vessel conducive to the growth and development of a favorite flower.

Experts recommend choosing it in such a way as to ensure access of light and air to the roots of the plant: the width of the vase should exceed or be equal to its depth, the dimensions fully correspond to the dimensions of the root system. A vase with or without one hole is better suited for phalaenopsis, ascocenda or vandas, plants that are recommended to be kept with “bare” roots.
