Where Does Hair Extension Come From?

Where Does Hair Extension Come From?
Where Does Hair Extension Come From?

Nowadays, the demand for hair extensions is very high. The opportunity not to suffer with growing hair, but to get a finished mane in just two to three hours, seems very attractive to many girls. However, an interesting question often arises - where do all these luxurious hair extensions come from.

Where does hair extension come from?
Where does hair extension come from?

There are many "horror stories" about the origin of this hair. The most common ones claim that hair is taken from female prisoners, from patients in psychiatric hospitals, or from morgues in general. If the first two versions have a right to exist, then the latter does not stand up to criticism.

Where do hair extensions actually come from?

In fact, in the vast majority of cases, hair is purchased from their owners on a voluntary basis. For example, in many East European and Asian countries, a significant proportion of people live below the poverty line. Often, long, beautiful hair is the only adornment worthwhile for girls and the only way to bring some money to the family. These girls often enter into quite formal contracts with companies that are engaged in such business, pledging to keep their hair in good condition.

When the hair of these girls reaches the agreed length, they shave bald, hand over their hair to the company representatives and begin to grow their hair again. Of course, with an average hair growth rate of twelve to seventeen centimeters per year, it will not work to donate them more often than once every few years, but even such financial assistance is very significant for many East European and Asian families.

In order not to damage your hair, the correction of the extended strands should be carried out every two to two and a half months.

Fake "European" hair

It should be noted that not all countries buy hair for money. For example, in India there are a number of organizations that accept women's hair as a gift without giving the owner anything in return. By the way, it is the hair of women in North India that is most often passed off as European, since in structure they are very similar to them. Hair from this part of the world ends up in Italy, where it is dyed and otherwise processed, after which it is sold for a lot of money as "European".

There are three types of hair extensions - cold, ribbon and hot. The safest and cheapest is the cold one, the fastest is the tape one.

In the market of hair extensions, "Slavic" ones are highly valued, they come from the republics of the former USSR. For example, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine. Such hair is most often light, easily dyed and can be used several times. It is these strands that are most often used in salons in Russia, since they are best suited to Russian women in structure.
