The Priority Is The Ability To Refuse

The Priority Is The Ability To Refuse
The Priority Is The Ability To Refuse

Defining himself as a person, everyone sets priorities in life on their own. They depend on upbringing, inclinations and environment. In turn, the choice of life values determines the nature and scope of a person's activity.

The priority is the ability to refuse
The priority is the ability to refuse

The word "priority" is translated from Latin as "first, main or senior". It is the priorities that determine the goals and objectives of any activity. The priority direction of movement, priority moral values and interests help a person to be aware of himself in this world.

Priorities as a basis for choice

Human life is always based on the law of choice. Starting from trifles and ending with philosophical theories, people choose how and on what they will build their destiny. The variety of possibilities gives modern man the illusion that everything that is not forbidden is allowed.

In fact, when choosing a particular action, job, or life partner, people abandon many other options in their favor. This makes it possible to focus on the most important thing, to organize your own personal and work space as successfully as possible.

Knowing how to give up unnecessary things in favor of something more, a person saves a lot of time and effort. Plus, clear priorities save you a lot of trouble. For example, by choosing a healthy lifestyle, people avoid smoking and overeating. As a result, they get sick less.

By prioritizing family values, you can get away from chaotic, heart-hurting relationships and have offspring. Moral priorities allow the human soul to develop and protect it from fatal mistakes.

The most important human priorities

The main values at all times were health, family and homeland. Technological progress has brought many other values to a person's life: the opportunity to be successful and wealthy, as well as freedom from previously necessary responsibilities.

Changing and experiencing economic ups and downs, society still manages to maintain the correct alignment of priorities. Kindness is still valued by people as a quality defining human essence.

At the same time, culture and religion preserve and transmit from generation to generation the foundations of eternal moral priorities. It remains to be hoped that future generations will be able to distinguish the main from the unimportant, and the true from the false.

The history of human civilization keeps bright and dark pages. They describe the consequences of those situations in which entire peoples and individuals made their choices based on right and wrong priorities. Their experience is science to all people living on the vast Earth today.
