Why Are The Ears Burning?

Why Are The Ears Burning?
Why Are The Ears Burning?

There is a sign that if the ears are on fire, someone is sure to remember the person. In fact, this is not the case, because people are not able to read thoughts from a distance. Redness of the auricles is directly related to the work of the brain.

Why are the ears burning?
Why are the ears burning?

With increased mental alertness, more blood is required for the brain to function normally. This is especially noticeable in children who solve problems or do lessons in other subjects. One ear or two at once can blush - this is due to which hemisphere is most active at the moment.

Sometimes redness of the ears is observed at a time when a person is ashamed of their actions or words. Shame is primarily stress, so blood rushes to the brain with lightning speed. For the same reason, redness of the face can also be observed, which gradually disappears when the person calms down. You can find out that you are being deceived precisely on this basis. But there is a high probability of making a mistake, because the interlocutor can simply select words for further dialogue or simply think about something of his own that worries him greatly.

Ears can also turn red when frightened. A large amount of adrenaline enters the body, which increases blood circulation. The same applies to stressful situations, for example, on an exam or on a report from the boss.

Changes in the color of the auricles can signal that the body is actively releasing heat. This usually occurs when it is too stuffy, hot, or you are under the rays of the bright sun. In some people, the entire face and neck turn red at once, but this is due to the individual characteristics of the body.

It happens that the ears burn after frost or with otitis media. In this case, pain can also be observed. With similar symptoms, immediately go to the ENT, but all other cases cannot be treated with medication. There is no need to be shy, because these are natural processes that occur for one reason or another. If you need to see the redness in your ears go away quickly, get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. As soon as the body relaxes, blood will begin to drain from the head.
