Why Do I Need An Ionization Function In A Humidifier

Why Do I Need An Ionization Function In A Humidifier
Why Do I Need An Ionization Function In A Humidifier

A humidifier with a built-in ionizer purifies the air in every sense: it neutralizes static electricity harmful to humans, and also helps to eliminate dust, soot and other solid particles of dirt from the air.

Humidified and ionized air is a guarantee of health
Humidified and ionized air is a guarantee of health

Eliminating static electricity

Static electricity is a charge generated by the friction of various surfaces. The magnitude of this charge, of course, is very small, and by itself it cannot cause harm.

But with prolonged contact with electrified objects, a person himself becomes a carrier of a static charge. It accumulates, and the more a person is "shocked" by the surrounding objects, the greater the value of this charge becomes. Then it begins to irritate the nerve endings of the skin, changes the vascular tone, and can even cause changes in the central nervous system.

The result is irritability, insomnia, and increased fatigue. And this is not to mention the ubiquitous presence of synthetic materials in life: clothes made of them do not allow the body to breathe, "shocks", causing discomfort. And at night, bed linen with a synthetic filler electrifies hair, impairing their health, irritating with its "sparkle" and sometimes even disrupting sleep.

An ionizer built into the humidifier is antistatic to the environment and neutralizes positively charged particles. In addition to humidifiers, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, even keyboards and laptops are equipped with built-in ionizers.

Fighting dirt in the air

It is believed that clean natural air (especially in forests, mountains, near waterfalls) contains more negative than positively charged particles. But the stagnant space consists mainly of their positive particles, and the task of the ionizer is to correct this, to increase the volume of "living" air in the room.

Under the influence of ionization, dust, smoke, pollen, bacteria and other solid air particles are charged and begin to slowly drift towards the positive electrode, which is the walls, ceiling and floor. There, foreign particles settle, purifying the air and excluding the possibility of their inhalation by humans. This significantly reduces the risk of allergic manifestations.

True, at the same time, settled particles contaminate all surfaces in the room, and not all users of ionizers like this - they have to do cleaning much more often. But most people still conclude that dirty walls (which can be washed) are better than dirty air that is harmful to health.

The most famous ionizer is the "Chizhevsky chandelier" which has become famous in its time. It was the Soviet biophysicist Alexander Chizhevsky who experimentally established the effect of positive and negative ions on a living organism and applied artificial aeroionification (increasing the concentration of negative oxygen ions in the air). By design, the device looked like a chandelier and was suspended from the ceiling, for which it received its unofficial name.
