How To Make A Humidifier Yourself

How To Make A Humidifier Yourself
How To Make A Humidifier Yourself

The problem of air humidification most often arises in winter, when the home is heated by electric heaters. As a result of their work, household members may experience shortness of breath, runny nose, and headache. And if there is no money for professional humidifiers, available tools can help.

An aquarium is one of the options for a humidifier: beautiful, but rather troublesome
An aquarium is one of the options for a humidifier: beautiful, but rather troublesome

Household tricks

In the matter of humidifying the air in the room, simple household tricks can help: drying the washed linen in the room (now folding dryers that can be placed in any room are popular). Spraying home flowers will benefit not only the plants, but also all the inhabitants of the house. In addition, some flowers themselves perfectly evaporate moisture (as a rule, those with large, soft and fluffy leaves, for example, cyperus, philodendron, monstera, calla).

Creative savvy

The old "old-fashioned" way of humidifying a room is to place water tanks in different places. Banks are completely ineffective, so it is better if the containers have a wide surface - cups and basins will do. True, this is not very aesthetically pleasing, so decorative humidifier tanks can be made. Buy a few simple bowls, paint them with acrylic paints for ceramics, decorate with plastic stucco molding, and paste over with decoupage drawings. You can put such bowls in beautiful wicker baskets, paste over them from the inside with stones, put decorative figurines (for example, towers or palaces) in the bowls.

A large aquarium is a great tank for humidifying the air. But having bought it, you will also have to take care of the fish. Unless, of course, you want to leave the aquarium uninhabited, "populating" it with decorative locks and toy treasure chests.

Fast but troublesome

Another ancient and simple-minded method of moisturizing is to put wet towels on top of the batteries. Most likely, we are talking about winter, the batteries will be hot, due to which they will perfectly evaporate moisture from wet towels. The disadvantage is that it does not look very aesthetically pleasing, and the towels will need to be constantly wetted. You can, of course, put a container with water on the battery, but this is not very convenient and even less aesthetically pleasing.

Wonders of invention

A more efficient way is to make a humidifier using a computer cooler and a plastic box with side holes. Attach a cooler to the top wall of the box. Connect it to a charger from a mobile phone (or better, instead of "charging" use an adjustable power supply - then you can control the speed of the cooler). The box is filled with water, and a non-woven material is hung along the walls - it will be the evaporator. The cooler will draw air inside, where it will be humidified, passing through the wet cloth, and out through the holes.

Most of these methods are very economical and require minimal investment. True, in conjunction with ingenuity.
