It is customary to accompany birthdays, weddings, corporate parties and just meetings with friends, which often leads to the fact that a person ends up getting drunk. You can avoid this in any company and situation, if you show willpower and ingenuity.

It is necessary
Activated carbon, raw eggs, vegetable oil, mineral water
Step 1
Pick one type of alcoholic beverage and consume it throughout the evening. In other words, don't interfere. The generally accepted opinion that you can increase the degree is a misconception, since mixing different types of alcoholic beverages will eventually lead to the fact that you get drunk and get a terrible hangover in the morning.
Step 2
Have a snack. When drinking, do not refuse to eat. Prefer hot and fatty foods. Light snacks won't save you.
Step 3
Swallow several activated charcoal tablets one hour before the meal. Its absorbent properties will do the trick, and when alcohol is taken, it will interfere with its absorption into the bloodstream.
Step 4
Drink two raw eggs. Alcohol will begin to fight the protein by burning it off, which will help you not get a lot of alcohol in your blood.
Step 5
Try drinking two tablespoons of vegetable oil before heading out to your banquet. It will form a film inside the stomach that will interfere with the absorption of alcohol.
Step 6
Drink plenty of fluids during your meal. Alcohol dehydrates your body, which can affect your health in the morning. Start fighting it in the evening. Drink as much water as possible, preferably mineral water. Juices and soda won't work for this.
Step 7
Skip the toast. There is no shame in not raising your glass several times during the evening. If you are still embarrassed, pour a soft drink into the glass and continue with your usual activities. Such respites will give you a head start over your friends, and at the end of the evening the difference in your state of intoxication will be striking.