What Cacti Contain A Narcotic Substance

What Cacti Contain A Narcotic Substance
What Cacti Contain A Narcotic Substance

The cactus is the most heat-resistant perennial plant. There are more than 2 thousand species of its varieties in the world. Some cacti are used for medicinal purposes, others are edible, others contain narcotic substances and can be dangerous to human health.

What cacti contain a narcotic substance
What cacti contain a narcotic substance

Drug cacti

From time immemorial, the Indians of Central and North America have known about the intoxicating properties of some species of cacti. They used them in their religious cults. After using the narcotic flower, the Indians began hallucinations, during which they communicated with the spirits.

One such plant is the peyote cactus (Lophophora williamsii). It is bluish-green in color, and instead of prickly needles, soft white "tuft" grows on it. This cactus contains a powerful hallucinogen - mescaline. As experts say, peyote tastes very bitter and leaves a very unpleasant sensation in the mouth. And if you do not use it on an empty stomach, there are bouts of nausea and vomiting.

In addition to the harmful drug effects on the human body, peyote is considered a good analgesic and antibacterial agent. It is used to treat toothache, as well as fever, asthma, neurasthenia, and many other diseases.

Another cactus that causes drug intoxication is San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi). It is a large columnar cactus. Its height sometimes reaches 6 meters. It contains mescaline, just like peyote. San Pedro is considered a sacred ritual plant by the shamans of Peru. They are confident that a cactus can help understand the meaning of life. From slices of San Pedro, shamans prepare a drink that causes hallucinations. It is used when going into a trance. Also, small doses are sometimes used as an aphrodisiac.

To jail for a flower on the windowsill

It is worth noting that it is almost impossible to grow a cactus with narcotic properties on a windowsill. In order for a plant to develop hallucinogenic substances, it needs a certain climate: the scorching sun of the American deserts, the chemical composition of the soil and the difference between day and night temperatures. Fans of intoxicating substances who tried to grow a cactus-drug at home, besides an unpleasant taste and smell, as well as severe diarrhea, did not experience any unusual sensations.

Despite this, the cultivation of peyote and San Pedro cacti is prohibited in many countries. Among them is Russia. For breeding these plants in large quantities, according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, you can be imprisoned from 3 to 8 years. A large number is considered to be 2 or more cacti. And for one plant, a fine of 500-700 minimum wages can be imposed. So, getting carried away with the cultivation of cacti, pay attention to such nuances. Even if you plant “flowers of the desert” just for beauty, ignorance of the law will not absolve you from responsibility.
