What Is A Triple Toe Loop In Figure Skating

What Is A Triple Toe Loop In Figure Skating
What Is A Triple Toe Loop In Figure Skating

Figure skating is a difficult-to-coordinate speed skating sport. An athlete or a couple skates on the ice and performs the prescribed elements to music. In pair skating, women's and men's single skating, jumping is one of the compulsory elements. Toe loop is one of the simplest jumps in figure skating.

What is a triple toe loop in figure skating
What is a triple toe loop in figure skating

In figure skating, jumps are divided into rib jumps, in which the push comes from the edge of the supporting leg, and toothed, in which the skater pushes off with the tooth of the free leg. The first group includes salchow, rittberger and axel, the second - toe loop, lutz and flip. All jumps, except for the axel, are performed from the backward movement, with the back.

Sheepskin coat technique

Toe loop is one of the simplest jumps in figure skating. Usually, skaters enter a sheepskin coat from a waltz three or three forward-inward. Most often, a jump is entered from a movement in a straight line. A jump is performed from the outer edge of the supporting (most often right) leg, repulsion is performed by the tooth of the free (most often left) leg. The skater makes a few turns in the air, and then lands again on the outer edge of the right leg. Thus, the skater again finds himself in the starting position.

Due to the suitable execution technique, the sheepskin coat is used more often than other jumps as a second jump in cascades. As a single jump in pair figure skating, a triple toe loop is often jumped, and in a men's singles - a quadruple toe loop.


For the first time at the competition, the toe loop was performed by the American figure skater Bruce Mapes in 1920. By the beginning of the 30s of the XX century, skaters jumped all double jumps, except for the axel, including the double toe loop.

The triple toe loop was first performed by figure skater Thomas Litz at the 1964 World Cup. Since the beginning of the 80s, attempts have begun to execute a sheepskin coat in four turns. At the official championships, the quadruple toe loop was first tried by Alexander Fadeev at the 1983 World Championships. For the first time, a quadruple toe loop was credited to the Canadian skater Kurt Browning in 1988, although the jump was not performed perfectly, with triplets on the road.

In women's single skating, the quadruple toe loop has not yet submitted to anyone. An attempt to jump a quadruple toe loop was performed by the French figure skater Surya Bonaly in 1991, but the judges did not count this jump, as they considered it to be under-rolled. Japanese Miki Ando trained a quadruple toe loop, but never performed it in official competitions.

The cost of a sheepskin coat according to the new judging system

Under the new judging system, each element has a specific value in points. The cost of a single sheepskin coat is very small - only 0.4 points. A double toe loop is worth 1, 3 points. The basic cost of a triple toe loop is 4.1 points. Quadruple sheepskin coat is estimated at 10, 3 points.