What Paint To Paint The Fence On The Grave

What Paint To Paint The Fence On The Grave
What Paint To Paint The Fence On The Grave

Every spring, people gather in cemeteries to renew the fences on the graves of their relatives. At first it seems that this is a very time-consuming business, and the result will not last long. But there are special paints that can be used to update such problematic surfaces.

grave fence
grave fence

The metal must be painted correctly, then it will serve for a long time. The grave fence is a problematic surface. Every day she is exposed to sunlight, all kinds of precipitation. The paint peels off, rust appears, the metal begins to lose its properties. Due to such changes, the fence takes on an ugly appearance.

How to prepare a fence for painting

First of all, you need to get rid of the old coating. In this case, a metal brush and a spatula will help. Areas of paint that are easily detached from the surface can be removed with a spatula. The next step is to clean the paint from the metal with a brush. You can use a thinner to soften the paint a little and make the job easier.

A rust neutralizer should be applied to clean metal, which will remove yellow-orange formations. When all the stages have been passed, you can start painting the fence.

What paint to paint the fence

There are several types of metal coatings. In construction stores, you can find an economical paint or opt for a durable finish.

The simplest option is to paint the grave enclosure with simple PF-115 enamel, which is suitable for many types of surfaces. The enamel is available in many colors, it is economical in price, but such a coating will last for 2 years, then the paint will begin to peel off.

If the choice fell on PF-115 enamel, then it is worth pre-treating the metal surface with a primer with an anti-corrosion component GF-021. This will significantly extend the service life.

Of the economical options, it is worth noting the so-called "silver" among the people, "Iron red lead". They are constantly in stores, so when the paint starts to peel off, you can quickly update the surface.

But there are paints, before applying which GF-021 does not need to be applied. These are primer-enamels from various manufacturers. An example is the Russian-made Dali 3-in-1 primer-enamel. This product has 6 color options, is very economical to use and affordable in price. After painting, the surface remains unchanged for 5-6 years.

For those looking for more durable options, stores offer Hammerite for metal surfaces. The result is a very durable and tough coating. The paint prevents the formation of rust on the metal, perfectly repels moisture, does not require preliminary priming of the surface.
