In the life of any person, there are days when there is simply not enough time for sleep. Long-distance driving, dead-line, any other reason excludes any possibility of getting enough sleep. But the body is difficult to deceive, and it cannot be explained to the brain that, for a number of reasons, it will be possible to sleep only after a couple of days. And so a man sits on a project that needs to be completed "yesterday" or, even worse, at the wheel, and nodding, trying not to fall asleep. Meanwhile, there are methods to help fight off sleep for a while.

Step 1
Make yourself a cup of coffee or tea with lemon. These drinks are great for drowsiness. The only "but" - the funds should not be abused. Experts recommend using coffee differently. Add a cup of instant coffee to a glass of Coca-Cola, stir and drink in one gulp. Sleep as if by hand.
Step 2
Tinctures Take an alcoholic tincture of Eleutherococcus or Ginseng. Eleutherococcus and ginseng also have an "anti-sleep" effect. A few drops (usually 15-20) of the product dissolved in water will help to invigorate.
Step 3
Vitamins Take a couple of ascorbic acid tablets. A good effect of relieving drowsiness is given by increased doses of vitamin C. That is why tea with lemon invigorates more effectively than just tea.
Step 4
Aromatherapy Light the aroma burner (aroma lamp) by adding essential oils of lemon, anise, orange, grapefruit, jasmine - your choice. All of these essential oils help ward off drowsiness. If you have a split system with an air aromatization function, add oil to it.
Step 5
Daytime Sleep Try to carve out half an hour to take a nap between 12 and 2 pm. A nap during the day will help you regain strength and stay on your feet longer, if necessary.
Step 6
Lighting If you urgently need to finish a project, pass a coursework, learn a couple of textbooks, and there is only one night for everything about everything, light will help to cope with sleep. Turn on full overhead lighting in the room where you are working. The bright light will signal to the brain that it's not time for sleep yet.
Step 7
Exercise Get rid of sleepiness by exercising. A couple of squats, a few arm swings, three or four lunges - and you are again ready for labor exploits. A contrast shower will be an excellent addition to charging. After it, you will feel that you are ready to stay awake for at least another day. and at the same time train the vessels. Always start taking a contrast shower with warm water. Alternate a warm (38-39 degrees) shower with a cold (18-20 degrees) shower 4-6 times. Always finish with cold water.