Cotton is the seed of an annual cotton plant that is cultivated primarily in Central Asia. Since ancient times, starting from the 5th century AD, fiber has been widely used in textiles, yarn was spun from it, knitted, and sewn. You can distinguish organic fiber from synthetic fiber on your own.

Step 1
When buying yarn, pay attention to the fact that cotton has a special property that does not allow dyeing in bright colors. The shades of the threads are always faded or natural, usually white. If the thread is shiny, then the fiber was treated with alkali. It is best to use cotton yarn and, for example, acrylic or woolen yarn for making knitted products.
Step 2
During the mercerizing process (special treatment of the yarn with iodine and washing, which gives a smoothness and shine, after which it can stretch and be dyed in bright colors), the yarn becomes less stretchable than that made from untreated fiber. Things made from such raw materials are less stretchable and subject to more "shrinkage" after washing.
Step 3
When buying linen made of cotton or other items, take a sample of the fabric with you that you are sure of. Compare with the suggested option in the store. In addition, the fiber is insoluble in acetone, alkali and phenol.
Step 4
Pay attention to the names of the fabrics. Cotton fabrics that have a linen purpose, depending on the type and thickness of the weave, the variety and manufacture of yarn, have the following names: muslin, chiffon, madapolam, batiste, nansuk, mal-mal and turban, grinsbon and teak-eraser. Dress and shirt fabrics include satin, chintz, calico, eraser, a group of pile and dress fabrics. Chintz is a cotton material of various densities, printing and finishing, coloring, very hygienic, used for the manufacture of underwear for children and women, as well as bedding. Summer dress fabrics - cambric, veil, maya, volta, matting, marquise. The demi-season ones include poplin, cashmere, garus, reps, pongee, tartan, wool, pique and crepe. Winter - bike, bumazey, flannel. The pile group of fabrics includes semi-velvet, corduroy cord, velvet, corduroy rib, corduroy cord.
Step 5
During wear, the cotton is waterproof, airtight. The material ranks second after linen in terms of wearability. Try to crease the hem of your garment and hold for a minute. Clothes made with fiber wrinkle. In addition, these things do not stick to the body, so sweating is not hampered. The best is cotton jersey, it is recommended for people with sensitive skin.
Step 6
Try to light the cotton thread, the synthetic material will twist into a ball. The smell of burning natural material resembles burnt paper. If you wash cotton, it will take longer to dry than others. After rinsing the item, try squeezing it out. The water will drain from the synthetics, the cotton will absorb it.