The conclusion of a contract with a wedding photographer is a hot topic today. Many people believe not promises, but actions, preferring to document important agreements. A formalized contract with a professional photographer allows us to guarantee the quality and reliability of his work with clients.

Each company that provides wedding photography services should offer you to conclude a contract for the provision of such services. If you decide to use the services of a private master, invite him to discuss the terms of work and sign such an agreement. The form of the contract is standard. You can easily find the model agreement on the Internet and print it in duplicate.
Such a document can be drawn up in any form - in any case, after being signed by both parties, it has legal force and disciplines the performer well.
What is most often stipulated in an agreement with a wedding photographer?
Most often, the following main points are stipulated in an agreement with a photographer:
- obligations and rights of the parties, as well as penalties provided for failure to comply with the clauses of the contract;
- the number of shooting hours;
- terms of services of the photographer from the moment of the beginning of shooting;
- copyright for photographs;
- the cost of additional shooting time;
- aesthetics and quality of photos;
- the possibility of refusal to fulfill the contract and penalties for this;
- the number of retouched photos, the cost of additional retouching.
Drawing up a contract with a wedding photographer: what to look for
Cost of work, deadlines and calculation procedure. At this point, you need to clearly indicate that on a certain day and at a precisely agreed time, the wedding photographer must come to you at a specific address for shooting. Here you should also indicate the full cost of the work and the amount of the deposit, as well as on which day this advance will be paid to the performer.
The deadline for issuing the finished work is usually indicated in this form: no later than a certain day after the photographing. Here you can clearly indicate the period of time for which you are going to use the services of a photographer (for example, 5 hours).
Responsibility of the parties. This paragraph prescribes fines for violation of the above agreements. In this way, you can protect yourself from various troubles - the increase in the cost of the finished work over time, delay in the deadline for its delivery, and much more.
The same clause should also stipulate the responsibility of the customer: for changing the time and conditions of photography, for refusing the services of a wedding photographer after concluding an agreement with him, as well as for late payment for the finished work.
The aesthetics of photography. Here you can clarify all the controversial points about the quality of the finished photos: what is considered a defect, about which the customer has the right to make claims to the contractor.
Photo copyright. The contractor is prohibited from publishing your pictures without your consent. In turn, you are not entitled to use the received photos for commercial purposes, and in the case of public publication - indicate their authorship.
It is worth noting that wedding photography is increasingly taking place with the conclusion of a contract. And even though some believe that this does not guarantee a solution to problems, nevertheless, with such a document many disagreements and troubles can be avoided, which will not spoil the pleasant impressions of an important event in life - your wedding.