A photographer may be needed in many cases. One of the reasons why you have to look for it is wedding photography. You will also have to be puzzled by the search question if you need to order an individual photo session or shooting an event.

Step 1
His portfolio will tell you the most about the photographer. Look carefully at the works presented there. Only work with the person whose style you really like. The pictures that the photographer considers his best should evoke some feelings in you, touch on the quick. Otherwise, you risk being disappointed in the shooting results. An important aspect of a photographer's work is post-processing of photographs. Images can be too "licked", with unnatural color correction, etc., or everything will be as naturalistic as possible - everyone has their own style. It is important that this suits you.
Step 2
There is an opinion that if the portfolio contains photos of only one genre, then the photographer is not a professional in his field. But in reality, if a person is engaged, for example, only in wedding photography, then it is reasonable to place only pictures of this subject in the portfolio.
Step 3
Ask your friends if they have a good photographer in mind. Most likely, someone from your social circle has encountered a similar problem, so they probably have the phone number of the person with whom they worked. If your friends don't have a good photographer in mind, then carefully read the reviews from clients on the personal website of the selected person.
Step 4
If you are choosing a photographer for a wedding or for a photo shoot, then agree on the places where the shooting will take place. Listen to the ideas of the person you are inviting to work, most likely he has several interesting options in mind. If this does not suit you, then express your thoughts. It is necessary that the result of the negotiations be acceptable to both parties, otherwise fruitful cooperation will not work.
Step 5
Chat with a photographer. Shooting is a process in which the personality of the operator plays an important role. If you don't like the photographer as a person, then no matter how good his work is, you risk not getting good pictures. You just won't be able to openly and sincerely smile at this person for the camera. On the contrary, if it evokes your lively sympathy, it is most likely a guarantee of great shots.
Step 6
A good photographer always has at his disposal all the necessary equipment. If something is not there, then he will not puzzle you with the search for tripods or additional lighting, but will get everything himself. In general, any professional independently solves the technical difficulties associated with their work.
Step 7
Price is an important selection criterion. There are average prices for shooting in a particular genre, adjusted for the "regional" factor. Chat with several professionals to find out how much a photo shoot costs on average. Keep in mind that competent photographers almost always charge more for their work than those who are just starting out. On the one hand, not skimping on payment and choosing an experienced person, you get quality and reliability. On the other hand, if a novice photographer demonstrates in his portfolio exactly what you would like to see after your shooting, and only the best reviews of his work, then you can trust him. Who knows, maybe this is a rising star in photography!