What The Future Of Humanity Will Be

What The Future Of Humanity Will Be
What The Future Of Humanity Will Be

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Futurology is a science (often with the prefix "pseudo"), which is engaged in forecasting the future on the basis of projecting existing trends and considering the vector of their development. Futurologists are sure that in the near future a full-fledged artificial intelligence will appear on the planet, the world's largest powers will disintegrate, and humanity will discover the secret of immortality. The problem of hunger will be solved with the help of farms under water, and thermonuclear fusion will be at the heart of energy.

What the future of humanity will be
What the future of humanity will be


Step 1

Scottish futurist Frank Pollack believes that by 2050, everyone will have multiple robots. Some models will replace pets, others will become domestic helpers.

Step 2

Ian Pearson, a futurist from the UK, predicts that in the next 15-20 years, people will learn to have fun chemically. Traditional sex will be replaced by pills and technical devices, perfectly tuned to the tastes and needs of each individual. The same scientist is confident that people will discover the ability to translate their thoughts and feelings into electronic form. There will be no need to type what came to mind on the keyboard, or speak information into a microphone. All thought processes will be recorded automatically, and, if necessary, saved as files on hard drives or directly on the Internet.

Step 3

Many scientists agree that in the next 40 years, the human body will be fully computerized. With the help of devices, a direct connection will be established between the computer and the brain. At the same time, special boards will not only fix, but also strengthen the thought processes. Subsequently, telepathy will become possible - direct transmission of information at a distance, bypassing various external technical devices, since they will be implanted into the brain immediately after birth.

Step 4

Within 100 years, the population of the Earth will increase to 10 billion people. Floating and underwater farms will be created to feed everyone. The diet of the people of the future will be based on fish and algae. According to NASA specialist Dennis Bushnell, algae, with their ability to absorb nitrogen, will significantly reduce the use of fresh water for agricultural purposes.

Step 5

British futurist Aubrey de Gray believes that immortal people already live, but the secret of eternal life will become public domain only after 20-30 years. The American scientist Kurzweil continues the idea of the computerization of consciousness. He believes that saving thoughts and feelings in electronic form will allow everyone, if necessary, to change only the physical shell an unlimited number of times.

Step 6

In their forecasts, futurologists assign a significant place to geopolitical changes. Pearson expressed the opinion that by 2100 the whole world will use uniform banknotes. Moreover, it is possible that the world currency will be electronic. Coins and bills will become a relic of the past. Other experts (for example, Tucker) strongly disagree. They are betting that there will be much more currencies than they are now. Moreover, new forms of payment for goods and services will appear.

Step 7

Pearson believes that by the end of the century, 3 languages will remain international (and not 6 as it is now): Chinese, Spanish and English. At least one of them will be perfectly mastered by every inhabitant of the planet. Futurists predict the collapse of China, the European Union and Russia. It is possible that wealthy people will buy up land in order to create their own separate state. According to some, many American states, such as Texas and California, will demand independence and become separate countries.

Step 8

Despite the fact that futurology is often called pseudoscience, there are cases when predictions came true. For example, in 1900, John Watkins, a civil engineer from the United States, gave vent to fantasy and published futurological forecasts. He wrote that color photographs could be telegraphed in a split second (the Internet appeared), that any sailor would be able to call his wife somewhere in Chicago by personal phone (cell phones were created). Watkins believed that by the middle of the 20th century, most people will eat specially processed and packaged food that can be stored in the refrigerator for several months (convenience foods).
