It is best to select fish for your aquarium that will be active, hardy, not demanding on the conditions of detention. Viviparous fish such as mollies, swordtails, guppies are the best choice for your home aquarium.

The haracin family can be attributed to unpretentious fish. The most popular of these are neons red and blue. They need a spacious aquarium, at least half a meter long. Prepare a lid for the aquarium right away, as neons can easily jump out of the water. The water for such fish needs to be changed every 2 weeks.
Zebra zebra and pink zebra are good options for your aquarium. These fish are bright, beautiful and swim quite fast. The aquarium for them must be at least 60 cm in length. Also, these fish love good lighting and oxygen-rich water, which must be constantly changed.
The Peciliaceae family is very popular among aquarists. These fish are peaceful, calm and require moderation in food. Guppies are the most popular members of this family. The water in an aquarium with such fish needs to be partially changed periodically.
Swordsmen are a good option for a home aquarium. These fish do not require a special aquarium size for their maintenance. It is only necessary to remove the fry after spawning, otherwise the adults will eat them.
Barbs look beautiful in a home aquarium. This genus has more than 200 species. Such fish are very active and peaceful. But they are bad neighbors for scalars, tk. can pluck their fins. Best of all, such fish live with speckled catfish. Barbs do not require careful care and maintenance, but they like floating algae more.
Goldfish are a popular inhabitant of the aquarium. A low, spacious aquarium is suitable for them, at the bottom of which there are pebbles with aquatic plants. Fish constantly muddy the water, so frequent water changes are required. Feeding goldfish should be very careful so as not to cause overeating.
Catfish from the catfish suborder are very omnivorous, peaceful and cheerful. These fish live at the very bottom due to the peculiarities of their breathing. Somiks are also called "orderlies" of the aquarium, because they survive even in extremely dirty water.
Gourami, unlike other aquarium fish, can absorb oxygen not only from water, but also from the air. They are very patient with other inhabitants of the aquarium. In the water, they behave curiously and actively.
You can keep cockerels in the aquarium. Such fish, despite their disposition, are quite friendly with mobile neighbors. A small aquarium is enough to keep the cockerels. Male cockerels look brighter and more beautiful than females.