How To Avoid A Forest Fire

How To Avoid A Forest Fire
How To Avoid A Forest Fire

With the arrival of warm days, the townspeople prefer to get out into the bosom of nature for relaxation, while bonfires, barbecues and barbecues become an integral part of trips. However, making fires is not allowed everywhere and not always. Follow the rules of safety in nature to avoid forest fires.

How to avoid a forest fire
How to avoid a forest fire

In July and August, there is an active surge in the occurrence of forest fires, which is associated with the establishment of hot and dry weather. At the same time, there are three main types of forest fires:

- ground fires occur in 90% of cases, while the fire spreads along the soil cover, covering the grass, the lower parts of the trees and protruding roots;

- peat or underground fires, while peat or litter ignites (burning without a flame, occurs to a great depth), the rate of propagation of an underground fire and several square meters per day;

- a runaway riding fire, in which the fire moves in leaps through the crowns of trees, occurs exclusively in strong winds. The flame moves at a speed of up to twenty kilometers per hour.

Such a priceless gift of nature as a forest should be treated with care and in every possible way contribute to its safety. Statistics indicate that the human factor is the main cause of forest fires, which annually destroy thousands of hectares of trees. Approximately nine out of ten fire elements are due to thrown matches and cigarette butts in a smoldering state, as well as unstoped bonfires.

The duty of everyone is to prevent a fire in the forest. Going to the bosom of nature, you must follow a number of specific rules:

- do not throw smoldering cigarette butts and lighted matches;

- do not make a fire that is too big, as sometimes just one flying spark is enough to start a fire;

- avoid making fires at the site of felling;

- do not make a fire among reeds, bushes, thick grass, under coniferous trees and other similar places where the flame can easily spread to nearby vegetation;

- a burning bonfire must certainly be under the supervision of vacationers;

- a strong wind is most often an accomplice in the spread of the flame, so it is not recommended to make fires in such windy weather;

- before leaving, it is necessary to thoroughly fill the coals with water or fill them with moist soil, do not leave the forest until you are completely sure that the fire is extinguished;

- do not use fireworks in the forest (sparklers, fireworks, firecrackers and even candles);

- do not enter the forest with a motorcycle and a car, as sparks from the muffler can accidentally cause a fire, especially in a dry forest with lichen;

- do not leave garbage in the forest that can become the subject of a fire: rags and rags soaked in gasoline and oil, dishes and glass containers, which can focus the sunbeam in clear weather and ignite dry vegetation;

- if fires are detected in the forest, take all measures to eliminate them and call the fire department.
