What To Do At The Station Of A Foreign City Without A Penny Of Money

What To Do At The Station Of A Foreign City Without A Penny Of Money
What To Do At The Station Of A Foreign City Without A Penny Of Money

Sometimes there are emergencies when a person may be left without money and communication means at a train station in a foreign city. In such cases, it is very important not to panic and know that at any station you can get the maximum amount of assistance in an emergency.

Inside the station
Inside the station

With documents

First of all, finding yourself in a foreign city without money (as a result of loss or theft), it is worth checking the presence of a phone and documents. If you have a passport and a phone with you, then the process of solving the situation is quite simple: firstly, you need to urgently call the bank and block all stolen or lost cards, and secondly, call your friends, relatives and relatives to notify them of the situation.

If there are familiar people in the city where you are located, you can also contact them and ask them to come to the station. Thirdly, you must immediately notify the police or the station administration by contacting the information bureau. Transport police departments should be at all railway stations in Russia (or be located near the station). The police must write a statement about theft or loss of money.

Without documents

In the event that, for any reason, documents and mobile communication devices have disappeared, you can perform all the same actions through the telephone sets of the service of the public order protection point. If there is harm to health, it is recommended to use the services of a first-aid post. At small train stations and stations, you can ask employees to bring a first aid kit, which should always be at any transport point.

Other problems

If the situation is not so difficult and there was just a hitch (for example, the station ATM did not work upon arrival in a foreign city), then you can just settle down to spend the night. It should be remembered that only railway stations are open around the clock, while bus stations close the waiting rooms until the morning. At the railway station, you can spend the night in the waiting room for free, charge your computer, tablet or phone, brush your teeth, wash and go to the toilet.

Large train stations, as a rule, are equipped with free wi-fi, which can be used to communicate with relatives, call the bank's support service, and search for free accommodation using the couchsurfing system. If it happens during the day, you need to find out where the nearest bank is located with the ability to send money using the Western Union system and ask someone from their relatives to send the required amount.

If trouble has caught up at the bus station, you should act in the same way: if necessary, contact the police, let your family and friends know about the situation and check with the station administration about the possibility of spending the night for free or with post-payment nearby. If you behave in a friendly and appropriate manner, you can stay overnight in the waiting room or even visit someone from the staff.
