Very often people suffer from unrequited love and often even resort to such a means as a magic love spell in order to attract the love of the object of their sympathy. However, it also happens that a person is overly annoyed by someone's feelings, and he wants to cool them down. It is for such cases that there is coldness - the opposite of a love spell. If you need to cool someone's feelings, learn how to cool down correctly.

Step 1
If you yourself suffer from unrequited feelings, apply cool to yourself - for this, looking at the waste that is unpleasant to your eyes, utter a conspiracy, comparing the person to whom you want to cool your feelings with these waste. As you repeat the conspiracy over and over again, you will feel how feelings begin to go away or change to disgust.
Step 2
You can also cool down using the hot and cold symbols. For this ceremony, prepare a candle, a nail and a glass of cold water, and also calculate a suitable day for cooling off - it should be Tuesday or Saturday, falling on the waning moon. Squeeze a nail in a pair of pliers and heat it over a lighted candle. Place the red-hot nail in a glass of water, and then say the conspiracy: "As this nail has cooled down, so my feelings for (name) have cooled down." Drink water from a glass. If later you notice that the ceremony did not work, repeat it with the same nail.
Step 3
Cooling down can be done in another way - according to the principle of similarity. Take photos of the people you want to separate from each other, and then place the photos in a container of water. Put the container out in the cold so that the water freezes, and then break the ice in the container with a hammer with the words “As the water froze, so did (name)'s feelings for (name) cool down. As I broke the ice, I broke the union of (name) and (name) forever. Let it be so . Visualize the separation of people in your thoughts, and then scatter pieces of ice as far apart as possible. Rip up the photos.
Step 4
In such rituals, you reinforce the verbal conspiracy with the actions performed, but you can also get by with one conspiracy - in this case, you need to more clearly and clearly imagine in your thoughts what you want to achieve. For the best visualization, use photographs of the people you want to separate.
Step 5
If you want not only to separate someone, but also to embroil, read the following conspiracy: "On the Okiyane sea, on the Buyan island, under the alatyr-stone lies a mighty force. I take that force and throw it on (name and name) to torment they quarreled with each other, they did not know the world, they forgot love and lived only in hatred. My words are closed in mountains, blown by the winds, rush to (name and name) with water and twine like evil snakes around them. " Pierce the photo as you cast the spell with the needle.