With scrap metal available, you can make good money if you hand it over correctly. Acceptors of scrap metal have their own requirements - they pay special attention to the dimensions of the scrap, the thickness of the delivered fragments. The composition is also important. So, stainless steel and cast iron belong to ferrous metals, but the interest in them and the cost are far from the same. So it is much more important how to hand over the metal correctly, and not where.

Step 1
Reception points are primarily interested in thick-walled metal fragments, it is also desirable that these fragments are small in size. The reasons for these specific preferences are to save time and money while handling scrap metal and preparing it for shipment. If you want to hand over such scrap, you can count on a good price.
Step 2
It is much more difficult to hand over large-sized metal structures for scrap metal. Firstly, it is quite problematic to load large pieces of metal onto transport, one must also take into account the restrictions on the height of the cargo, the presence of pipelines, bridges and other similar obstacles on the way. The second problem is weighing. On a covered weighing vehicle with bulky scrap it may not be possible to enter, and if you use a dynamometer when weighing, the weighing accuracy will be lower.
Step 3
The price for scrap will also be reduced in the event that scrap metal workers have to cut the structure into pieces that will not fit into the press. This takes into account the cost of propane, oxygen, etc., so the price for scrap will be significantly reduced.
Step 4
Reputable scrap metal receivers themselves can come to you and pick up your scrap of non-standard sizes. They have special equipment with hydraulic manipulators, truck cranes. They will save you a lot of trouble - no need to think about which route to take the scrap and where to get a car to transport it, no need to obtain travel permits under the signs and puzzle over other issues. You yourself as a scrap supplier or your representative should be present only when weighing scrap and registering cargo.