How To Take Into Account The Consumption Of Electrodes On Metal Structures

How To Take Into Account The Consumption Of Electrodes On Metal Structures
How To Take Into Account The Consumption Of Electrodes On Metal Structures

To get information about how much you need to spend electrodes when welding metal structures, you need to make a calculation using the formulas. There are several methods for such a calculation.

How to take into account the consumption of electrodes on metal structures
How to take into account the consumption of electrodes on metal structures

Without competent and accurate planning of the consumption of materials for the construction of metal structures, it is impossible to make an estimate of costs and predict the forthcoming financial costs. Therefore, any construction or production work begins with the fact that the consumption of materials is calculated. In the process of drawing up a cost estimate, you can accurately determine how much metal will need to be spent when erecting a structure.

But it will be rather difficult to calculate the consumption of electrodes, since this indicator can depend on many factors. Nevertheless, in a practical way, special calculation formulas have been developed, using which you can most likely calculate how much you need to spend electrodes in the process of welding. Let's look at some of these formulas.

Coefficient calculation

A fairly accurate calculation can be carried out using a formula that includes the so-called coefficient of consumption of consumables, that is, electrodes. This factor has been calculated for different categories of consumables and takes into account the electrode consumption rate.

This formula looks like this: H = M * Crash, where:

- Н - indicator of material consumption;

- M is the mass of the metal to be welded;

- Krass - coefficient.

Naturally, to work with this formula, you will need to have a table available to obtain the value of the coefficient. Such a table can be found in Appendix A of the "Rules for the development of norms for the consumption of materials in construction" (RDS 82-201-96).

Calculation based on the physical characteristics of consumables and metal structures

In addition to the above formula, it is possible to find out the consumption of electrodes on metal structures based on the physical characteristics of the metal structure to be welded and the characteristics of the electrode used. This method also provides a fairly accurate result, and here the formula is as follows: G = F x L x Wire mass (1 cm3), where:

- G - mass of deposited metal;

- F - cross-sectional area;

- L is the obtained seam length.

Since in a theoretical calculation you are unlikely to be able to accurately figure out some of the parameters of the formula, then in this case it will also be advisable to use the specialized tables given in the annexes to RDS 82-201-96. In them, the physical parameters of the seam are calculated by its location. For example, there is a big difference between horizontal and vertical welding of steel structures.
