How To Strengthen Fabrics

How To Strengthen Fabrics
How To Strengthen Fabrics

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Osteoporosis is a dangerous disease associated with the loss of bone strength. It is fraught with deformation of the bones of the skeleton and an increase in their fragility. It is especially susceptible to it in adolescents during the period of intensive growth and puberty, as well as people over 50 years old. To strengthen bone tissue, preventive measures are necessary, which should be applied in combination.

How to strengthen fabrics
How to strengthen fabrics


Step 1

Pay special attention to your diet - foods that contain calcium and vitamin D will help strengthen tissues. Dairy products are in the first place here. Keep in mind that a low fat content does not mean a low calcium content at all, it is the same in both. Manufacturers began to produce milk with a high calcium content, it is better to use it. Eat vitamin D regularly as it contributes to the normal absorption of calcium and its proper distribution in the body. On your table must be fish, cod liver, fresh eggs.

Step 2

Take care of yourself, especially after 50 years, because it is at this age that health problems associated with the aging process of the body begin. Stop abusing smoking and alcohol, their destructive effects after 50 are especially strong. All this leads to many disorders that can cause impaired coordination, increased pressure, and they, in turn, can provoke falls and bruises, which are fraught with cracks in the bones and even fractures.

Step 3

Do not neglect walks in the fresh air. Make it a rule to walk for at least half an hour every day before going to bed. Walking is one of the most effective exercises for preventing osteoporosis and for strengthening not only bone, but also muscle tissue. As you walk, your weight puts pressure on the leg bones, increasing the load on them, stimulating bone production and making the bones denser. Walks will be more beneficial if you increase the intensity of the loads - you will choose areas with a difference in relief or increase your speed. It will be nice to run too.

Step 4

Take drugs that increase bone density. In pharmacies, specially developed vitamin and mineral complexes based on medicinal herbs and plants are sold, their intake will help to normalize mineral metabolism in bone tissues and strengthen them.
