A football scarf, or, as fans call it, a "rose", is an indispensable attribute of all serious football events - both the derby between the clubs of the same city, and the game of the national team for the right to enter the World or European Championship.

Step 1
Tie a football scarf around your neck in the simplest way - with a regular knot. It is suitable if this knitted fan item is not too long. Think of children's picture books where toddlers have neatly tied striped scarves. Place the scarf over your neck so that one end is slightly longer than the other. Make sure it does not twist around your shoulders. Place the longer end of the scarf on the shorter one, put it by the end into the loop from the inside, and pull it all the way. Adjust this end of the scarf so that it rests completely on the other half and the club emblem, embroidered on the edge, is neatly facing forward. Remember that this knotting option will not work when wearing a silk or satin scarf - they are slippery and will slip off.
Step 2
Use a slightly more difficult knot method if the scarf is long enough. Also suitable for silk and satin soccer scarves. Fold it in half, place it on your shoulders so that the bent end is under your throat. Slide your hand into the loop obtained by folding, take the ends of the scarf, insert them into the loop and tighten. Spread the tips, they should be one on top of the other, the club emblem or the flag / coat of arms of the country should be in sight. The fold should be at your neck. This method of tying is convenient if, in the process of supporting the team, you need to quickly remove and unfold the scarf over your head.
Step 3
Apply alternative methods of using soccer scarves. For example, African fans wrap them around their heads like a turban. And the Brazilian fans create something like a topic, a breast from them. The Italians tie it with the above-described knot-loop, but the ends of the scarf are threaded into the loop in different directions - one up and down, the second up and down.