How To Quickly Learn To Walk In Heels

How To Quickly Learn To Walk In Heels
How To Quickly Learn To Walk In Heels

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A woman in high heels is always graceful and beautiful. Only in heels can she feel her grace and originality. But how to walk down the street with the queen's gait, if you have never stood on them before?

How to quickly learn to walk in heels
How to quickly learn to walk in heels


Step 1

Shoes with heels should be, first of all, comfortable. Therefore, pay great attention to the selection of shoes, even if you have to try on a dozen pairs of boots. The last should be exactly on your leg - nothing more, nothing less. The toes in the shoes should not rest on the toe. Before buying, be sure to walk in the shoes of your choice.

Step 2

It is necessary to start training with simple exercises. Stand on your toes, fix this position and walk around the apartment for several minutes. Do this exercise whenever you have free time. You can complicate the task by placing a book on your head. This will teach you how to straighten your shoulders and keep your back straight.

Step 3

Next, you need to go directly to the heels. It is better to start with a small heel of 4-5 cm. It is good if these are boots or ankle boots, since they will keep the leg tight. Gradually increase the height of your heel. It is best to walk around the house for about an hour a day at first. Then you can go outside, but it is better to refrain from long walks.

Step 4

When walking, try to keep your back straight, your shoulders should be straightened, your knees should be kept straight. Place your socks slightly apart. First, rest on the heel, then smoothly move to the toe. You can imagine a rope in front of you, along which you need to walk.

Step 5

If your legs are very tired after training, give a light massage to your feet and lower legs. Also let your feet rest in a hot tub. A bath of hot black tea or a decoction of St. John's wort removes very well the fatigue of the legs. Hold your feet in this broth for about five minutes.

Step 6

To train your calves, you can do special exercises once a day. So, place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Try standing on your toes several times and descending smoothly. At the same time, try to strain your calf muscles as much as possible. Repeat this about 50 times. This exercise will help your legs become strong and you will feel that walking in heels has become much easier.
