A bicycle is a personal vehicle that greatly facilitates travel, and in East Asian countries it also provides transportation of small loads. In countries with mild climates, there are no obstacles to exploiting it all-season (except perhaps for the rainy season). In Russia and Europe, the winter period is too harsh for a bicycle, and most cyclists stop using it, preparing them for winter storage since late autumn.

Step 1
Begin cleaning and taking your bike out of service by washing and drying it thoroughly.
Step 2
Check the integrity of the components - some of them may need minor repairs. It may be necessary to replace, for example, oil seals. It will be useful if you sort out the bearings in the wheels and change the lubricant.
Step 3
Loosen the brake cables, or completely disconnect. Speed selectors also need to loosen the cables as much as possible, so set them to the least tensioned state.
Step 4
Remove the chain and rinse it. Then let it dry and grease to prevent it from rusting.
Step 5
If the storage temperature is forced to be unstable, then wipe the chrome-plated parts of the bike with an oiled cloth. Slightly grease the tires on all sides with glycerin.
Step 6
When placing the bike on the floor, bring the tire pressure to the normal normal inflation rate to avoid deformation during storage. Check that the pressure is sufficient every three to four weeks, and if necessary, pump them up. But it's better if you hang the bike and deflate the tires. So they will not experience deforming pressure under the weight of its weight.
Step 7
To optimize storage space, you can loosen the handlebar retaining nut and turn it 90 degrees. If possible, the pedals can be detached. In this version, the bike will stand out less from the wall.
Step 8
If there is a glazed balcony or loggia, they can be used as a bicycle storage place. There he will be protected from dampness. It must be covered with something from direct sunlight, and the wheels must be removed, determined for storage in an apartment or other heated room.
Step 9
If the conditions for humidity and temperature in the garage are satisfactory, you can store your bike there. But, as a rule, storage in a garage is fraught with difficulties in ensuring a constant temperature regime and the presence of high humidity.