What Is Coal Beneficiation And How Is It Done

What Is Coal Beneficiation And How Is It Done
What Is Coal Beneficiation And How Is It Done

Enrichment of coal, like any other mineral, is a combination of a number of processes aimed at the primary processing of mineral raw materials. This is done in order to separate all valuable minerals from waste rock and separate them.

What is coal beneficiation and how is it done
What is coal beneficiation and how is it done

When enrichment, you can get both final marketable products, for example, limestone, graphite or asbestos, and concentrates that are used in further processing of a chemical or metallurgical nature.

Types of beneficiation processes

Fortification is a series of sequential actions. With the help of them, useful components are separated from impurities. These processes are of three types: preparatory, main and auxiliary.

The former are needed to open the grains of the minerals that make up the mineral. These include the processes of crushing, grinding, screening, classification. First, the minerals are destroyed and reduced to the required size. After that, the pieces of the fossil go to a special device, which is a sieve with strictly adjusted holes. This separates the beneficial minerals from the impurities. Then they are washed, as a result of which only pieces of the right size and required value remain.

Basic processes are needed to extract valuable components from the resulting material. The type of beneficiation depends on such characteristics as magnetic susceptibility, wettability, electrical conductivity. The shape of the grains, their size and chemical composition also play a role. Depending on this, one or another method of enrichment is selected.

At the final stage, the moisture content is usually reduced to the desired level or the recycled water used at the concentration plant is regenerated.

What is it and what is it for

This process is the most important link between the extraction of minerals and the use of substances extracted from them. His theory is based on mineralurgy, or knowledge about the analysis of the properties of minerals and their interaction during separation.

Fortification can significantly increase the concentration of minerals in the fossil. In ores, for example, the content of non-ferrous metals such as copper, zinc and lead is rarely more than 2%. However, in their concentrates, this figure increases significantly and can range from 20 to 70%.

With the help of enrichment, it is possible to use places with a low content of useful components to extract, thereby increasing industrial reserves of mineral raw materials, increasing labor efficiency in enterprises and reducing the cost of extraction through mechanization. It is also possible to excavate all the fossils, as everyone will benefit. Prior to that, it was produced selectively.
