Why Do You Need Information

Why Do You Need Information
Why Do You Need Information

Information is a very broad concept that generally denotes information about something. Different sciences interpret this term in their own way, often very difficult and vague. To perceive these explanations, it is worth understanding the essence of the term using a narrower example - to understand why information is needed from the point of view of a specific person.

Why information is needed
Why information is needed

Information exists in the world objectively, that is, regardless of whether it is perceived by anyone or not. It is inherent in all material objects. Cybernetics defines it as the ability of objects to generate a variety of states that are transmitted from one object to another and are imprinted in each other's structure.

A person receives information with the help of the senses and processes it. Like all living organisms, people react to the information received, they are able, taking into account new facts, to change - to adapt to conditions. This allows humanity to survive, sustainably exist and develop.

Continuously exchanging information with the outside world, each person forms a picture of the world in his mind. That is, it is thanks to the incoming types of information that people form an idea of the past, present and future, concretize these abstract temporal concepts, fill them with a multitude of meanings. Moreover, it is information that helps all the components of this single picture of the world to interact and exist in reality.

This happens at all levels of being. Depending on the purpose, information is divided into mass, special and personal. Each species provides a person with the opportunity to live fully. Mass information is composed of information that is understandable to everyone. This includes culture in the broadest sense of the word. Thanks to the massive exchange of information, humanity has developed common norms for all to live comfortably in one territory. This is how the norms of law and morality appeared, thanks to this society, the basic principles and conditions of the state's existence are known and understood.

Specific information is useful for specific populations. For each specific person, it provides an opportunity to work, communicate with colleagues. If desired, a person who does not understand any part of special information, for example, physics, can study it and thus expand his ideas about the world.

An equally important task is the expansion of ideas about oneself. Personal information helps people in this. It forms a person, an individual social and psychological portrait of each. As a result, social groups are formed - people are united based on certain characteristics, and a particular person has those whom he can call close and loved. At the genetic and psychological levels, he passes on personal information to his children.
