A TIN is required by a citizen for employment, for any forms of activity related to taxes. But documents have an unpleasant tendency to get lost. The pleasant thing is that you can find out the TIN number without even resorting to restoring the lost document.

TIN or individual taxpayer number is a digital code that is assigned to both individuals and legal entities in order to streamline the accounting of taxpayers in Russia. It is used in tax accounting in the vast majority of documents. It is much more convenient than using personal data.
Since 1999, the first part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation has been adopted in Russia. At the same time, they began to assign TIN to both individuals and legal entities.
You can get the TIN at the branch of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation. Actually, the TIN itself is a numerical code consisting of 12 digits. The first two of them denote the code of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the next 2 are the number of the Tax Inspectorate that assigned the TIN, the next 6 digits are the tax record number of the taxpayer. The last 2 digits are control digits.
Check digits are used to ensure that the entry is correct.
The TIN remains unchanged, even if the person changes his last name, place of residence or work. In the department of the Federal Tax Service, a document is issued in which the code itself, the date of its assignment and the personal data of the citizen are indicated.
Although obtaining a TIN for individuals is legally recognized as a voluntary matter, many employers require it when hiring a citizen. If a person, through negligence or as a result of unforeseen circumstances, has lost a document of the tax service, in which the TIN is indicated, he has several ways to find it out.
Find out TIN via the Internet
The tax service has created a special service that allows anyone to find out their individual tax number at any time. To do this, in a special form, it is enough to indicate
- last name, first name and patronymic (if any);
- date and place of birth;
- series, number and date of issue of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
The service response will not have to wait long - within a few seconds.
Obtaining a duplicate certificate of TIN assignment in the Tax Service
If the employer requires a document on the assignment of a TIN, you will have to contact the department of the Federal Tax Service in person and apply for re-issuance of a certificate of assignment of a TIN.
This service is paid, you will have to pay about 200 rubles, and in a week you can get a new document.
TIN indication in the passport
In order to avoid any troubles in connection with the loss of a TIN, a citizen, if desired, can contact the Tax Service with a request to indicate the TIN code in his passport. In this case, on page 18 of the passport, the employee of the tax service indicates the TIN number, the name of the tax authority that assigned the TIN, the code of the department of the Federal Tax Service in accordance with the established system and the date of the entry.