How The Concepts Of Good And Evil Are Connected In Life

How The Concepts Of Good And Evil Are Connected In Life
How The Concepts Of Good And Evil Are Connected In Life

In human life, the concepts of good and evil are closely related to each other. People constantly have to deal with injustice, bad intentions, actions and thoughts of others. But at the same time, there is a lot of beauty in the world that prompts a person to create and help others.

How the concepts of good and evil are connected in life
How the concepts of good and evil are connected in life

A person cannot live by following only natural instincts. In his life there are concepts about good and bad deeds, good and evil people, about moral and immoral behavior. All this is closely related to the categories of good and evil.

Good and evil as a manifestation of humanity

Good and evil are human concepts, they were invented only in society, introduced by the rules of community life, formed over many millennia of the existence of the human race. There are no categories of good and evil in nature. If you take a closer look at the laws of nature, then everything in it will turn out to be natural: light brings a new day full of vigorous activity, and darkness brings rest and calm. One of the animals eats others, and then he himself becomes a victim of a stronger or more cunning predator. These are the laws of the planet, everything in it has its own balance and place.

However, not only natural instincts are characteristic of a person, but also thinking, curiosity, a desire to understand all the laws of life. Thus, a division into good and evil, dark and light, good and bad, arose in him. And on the one hand, this is absolutely correct, because only a person can cause deliberate harm to living things, destroy, humiliate other creatures, do it for profit or pleasure. This means that his behavior is different from the instincts of most creatures. On the other hand, a person deliberately divides these two categories of life into opposites, and now good is perceived as something light and innocent, and evil appears in dark colors, as something insidious. In the understanding of many people, these categories of life cannot and should not intersect.

The interaction of good and evil

However, it often happens that good and evil do not just intersect with each other, but even change places. Morality and moral actions of a person, concepts of good and evil - all these are so subjective concepts that views on them can change over time. If a few millennia ago the killing of people, the death of small children or death from disease were considered quite familiar and commonplace, today they can be ranked as evil deeds that descended on a person for his sins or were the result of the influence of dark forces on him. And if earlier polytheism was considered the basis of almost all religions of peoples, then gradually it was polytheism that began to be considered the intrigues of evil, and monotheistic became true religions.

Such moral changes take place in human culture all the time, because the very concept of good and evil can be defined only approximately, very vaguely. With a change in the cultural paradigm of society, it is likely that they will change more than once and today's good will become tomorrow's evil. In addition, one cannot separate these concepts and completely abandon all evil in the world of people. Indeed, often it is not only something bad, but also something unpleasant, alien to a person, and sometimes just something unknown, new. A person simply writes down what is unknown to him in the category of evil, but these tests that fall to his lot and everything unusual that can happen to him may subsequently turn out to be a step into a better future. It is not for nothing that they say that without the presence of evil, people would not be able to appreciate the greatness and beauty of good in this world.
