What In Christianity Personifies The Forces Of Good And Evil

What In Christianity Personifies The Forces Of Good And Evil
What In Christianity Personifies The Forces Of Good And Evil

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Man has always been interested in the problems of the existence of good and evil. In Christianity, good forces are personified by the Creator, and evil ones - by Satan. The person is under their constant influence. Which side to choose is a question that faces each of the people.

What in Christianity personifies the forces of good and evil
What in Christianity personifies the forces of good and evil

According to Christian doctrine, there are forces of good and evil in the world. The personification of the forces of good is God himself and his angels, and the personification of evil is Satan with his demons.


Initially, there was no evil in the world - God created it perfect. All the angels were friends of God, but among them there was one who was proud of his beauty and wisdom and wanted to become equal to the Creator. He drew a third of the angels to his side and for this, along with his ethereal followers, was overthrown. Angels who sided with Satan turned into demons. In the Orthodox tradition, they are called demons.

Translated from Hebrew, the word "Satan" means "enemy", "slanderer." After being cast down to earth, Satan did not calm down and decided to destroy Adam and Eve, whose perfection he envied. Yielding to his deceitful words, the first people fell and were expelled from Paradise.

Christianity does not consider Satan and demons as some characters who played their historical role only at the beginning of the existence of the world. According to the Orthodox tradition, both demons and Satan continue to do their black deeds, pushing people to crimes, forcing them to deceive and hate each other. These invisible enemies are constantly whispering dirty thoughts to each of us. To accept them or not to accept them depends on the person himself.


The forces of good in Christianity are personified by God - the Holy Trinity, along with his angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim and other disembodied forces. Unlike other angels, God is a pure Spirit, that is, he does not have any degree of materiality.

Christians are aware of a number of properties of the Godhead. God is triune. He is both One and Three (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Like the Sun - one luminary with three "hypostases" - shape, color and warmth.

God is omnipotent. Nothing is impossible for him. God is omnipresent. Since it is immaterial, it is outside this world, but it permeates it through its divine energies (in Orthodoxy, these energies are called the grace of the Holy Spirit).

Another essential feature of God is love. The Bible says that "God is love." He is not a certain being who has the most love or all the love in the world. He is the source and essence of love as a phenomenon.

According to the Christian faith, evil in the world is only temporary. At the moment of the Second Coming of Christ, it will be completely destroyed. Satan and his demons will be defeated and will never be able to harm people.
