Milana is a beautiful and unique female name that has Slavic roots and means “sweetheart”. It is curious that in translation from the Italian language the owner of this name is perceived as a "fashionista". And for good reason!

Milana's childhood
As a child, Milana is an open, cheerful, energetic and very charming girl. But often it is not easy for her parents to bring up a girl. The fact is that little Milana grows up as a big mischief and a hooligan. From an early age, she loves to spin in front of the mirror, try on her mother's outfits, indulge in makeup and run with the yard boys on the roofs of garages.
As a child, Milan does not differ in constancy and, being a very sociable nature, can constantly change the circle of her friends in order to get any new impressions and emotions. Despite this, a girl named Milana is sentimental and kind: she picks up stray kittens, sympathizes with people in their grief, worries along with someone.
Milana, who has matured a little, usually does not experience any problems in her studies. The girl is able to achieve brilliant results, since she has such personal qualities as attentiveness and observation. Often, the owners of this unusual name graduate from school with honors and a gold medal. But it will not be easy for Milan to decide on her further kind of activity, because by her nature she is a rather versatile and active girl.
Milan in adulthood
As a rule, a rather difficult character is formed in an adult owner of this name. A woman becomes independent and categorically does not accept any guidance over herself. Since the owners of this name are often similar to their fathers, they are well versed in business and are able to occupy high positions in the professional field. Unfortunately, some Milans are very demanding and sometimes unbearable to the people around them.
Love and family relationships in the life of Milan
In principle, Milans do not suffer from the absence of admirers and female fans in their lives. The owners of this name always keep up with the times, follow fashion, constantly look extravagant and sexy. In addition, they attract men to themselves with their unique and magnetic energy.
The owner of this beautiful and rare name loves male society, and in dealing with men she is flirtatious and easy-going. As a rule, Milana's love relationships with men are not very good, so she gets married several times. By nature, Milan is a jealous woman, but does not tolerate any suspicions related to treason. Women with this name are great housewives and caring mothers.