Gemini is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac, each of them belongs to one of the four elements. The personality of people born under the sign of Gemini is formed by the primary element, which Air is considered to be.

This is the first sign in the entire air constellation. This is what determines its variability and tendency to hesitate, as well as its not quite steady potential. The planet Mercury has a residual influence. The air in Gemini gives its representatives a great desire to communicate with others and gives it a tendency to manipulate information. If such a person lacks knowledge, then he tries to find the source of the necessary information. And soon the Gemini find him.
The main qualities of Gemini
Among the main qualities of the representatives of Gemini, the most pronounced can be distinguished. First, communication skills. Basically, contacts with the environment are aimed at removing the necessary information for its further use for their own purposes. Mercury gave those under the influence of the constellation a discerning and agile mind.
Gemini can be called those bright representatives of humanity who grasp absolutely everything literally on the fly. Among the people of this sign, it is impossible to meet an introvert or without a pair. They are in constant motion and never sit still.
Many Gemini choose a profession in the pedagogical path: they just need to share the information that fills them with society. They can often be active in journalism. These people love to be at the epicenter of events. When it comes to clothing, there is a tendency towards wealth and luxury.
A characteristic feature of Gemini is also considered to be a pull of attention to their person. However, this happens in a rather polite form, which cannot be said, for example, about Aries.
Gemini are very erudite, but do not have deep knowledge in any particular industry. Some feel a little lower when communicating with representatives of this sign.
What else affects personality development
However, the nature and nature of a person is influenced not only by the element of the zodiac sign, often the determining factor is his name, the principles of upbringing adopted in the family, the level of intelligence and belonging to isolated segments of the population.
Many consider it necessary to take into account all aspects of the horoscope: the time and place of birth, the exact date, the location of the stars and planets, the name given at baptism. It is worth noting that some even now, by analogy with ancient times, give the child one name at the sacrament, but in the world he is known by a completely different name. It is believed that this protects him from the negative effects of external sources.