How To Get Rid Of A Black Leg

How To Get Rid Of A Black Leg
How To Get Rid Of A Black Leg

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Blackleg is a disease that affects young seedlings of cabbage, tomatoes, peppers and some flower crops. If the causative agent of the disease has penetrated the vascular system, very soon the seedlings begin to wither, and then completely wither. A dark constriction appears on the stem at the base of the soil. It is no longer possible to save the affected plant, moreover, it can serve as a source of infection for its neighbors. How to deal with a black leg?

How to get rid of a black leg
How to get rid of a black leg


sterile soil, oven, potassium permanganate solution, onion peel decoction


Step 1

Prepare the soil correctly for sowing seeds. The blackleg pathogen persists on plant debris and in the soil, so it is best to use a completely new, sterile soil for sowing. Unfortunately, even purchased land in packages is not always guaranteed to be protected from pathogens, therefore, the soil must be spreaded before sowing. Place the soil in a metal container and roast it in the oven at 100 degrees for half an hour. You should not raise the temperature higher, because in this case you will kill the beneficial microflora of the soil, and all the organic component will also burn out. If the stove seems too radical for you, you can spill the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate immediately before sowing.

Step 2

Buy seeds that are resistant to blackleg or those that have been pretreated. Now you can find encapsulated seeds in stores, already treated against a complex of soil pathogens and pests. If you could not find any information on resistance or treatments on the label, soak the seeds for 3-4 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate before sowing. Sowing should be done not too often, since the excessive density of seedlings weakens the plants and allows the black leg to unfold in full force. If the seeds are planted at a distance from each other, they will have more strength to fight infection.

Step 3

Blackleg affects weak and painful plants. That is why make sure that your seedlings always have the optimal temperature, sufficient light and moisture. Don't plant too early as your shoots will quickly stretch out and weaken in a cold, dark window. Also carefully control the intensity of watering. It is on flooded plants that the black leg most often begins to appear. Remember, underfilling is better than overfilling! For preventive purposes, soil treatment with a solution of onion peel or potassium permanganate can be carried out.
