If you are tormented by the heat, and there is not enough money for an expensive split system, you can purchase a fan. The principle of operation of such a device is the constant movement of air flows in the room. You can also make it yourself using an old cooler and computer disks.

Homemade fan based on a computer cooler
A fan is a fairly simple device that helps to make your stay in a room more comfortable. To make it, you will need to find an old cooler. In principle, you can get it from a computer system unit that will no longer be used. You can also take the switch from there. In order for the fan to function, it will need to be charged with batteries. The battery compartment can be taken from an old toy.
After connecting these elements together, you get a simple homemade fan. If you don't want to mess with the battery holder, use the computer port to supply power. As for the stand, it can be made from almost any material. Imagine and design your own original stand design. For example, a stiff wire stand is a good option.
How to make a fan using computer drives?
To create another version of the fan, you will need computer disks, a compact motor from an old toy, and a plastic cork from a bottle.
First, take a sharp pair of scissors and cut the disc into eight equal pieces from edge to center. In this case, approximately one centimeter should be retreated from the inner edge. As a result, you will have sections that will need to be turned one edge out. These sections should closely resemble blades. Then take the plastic bottle cap and make a hole in it with an awl. You can use a thick needle instead of an awl. Insert the output pin from the toy motor into the hole. You should now have the top of the fan.
Now you can start making a stand and a leg. As a stand, you can use several discs glued together. But the leg should be cylindrical. You can take the base from a spool of thread or use a homemade cardboard cylinder. You will need to put batteries and wires in it.
This is the actual process of creating a fan and came close to completion. Ideally, you should connect some kind of switch to it for more convenient use. A homemade compact fan does not require serious material costs, because it is made of scrap materials that can be found in any home.