Life is structured in such a way that there is no return to the past, no matter how much one would sometimes want to correct the mistakes of the past. Indeed, nothing can be changed, but you can always try to fix it.

Correct past mistakes
There is a way out of any situation, even when it seems that everything is irretrievably lost. If you did something, and later realized your mistake, you can always try to fix everything. First of all, stop executing yourself, leave all your experiences in the past. Better try to fix the situation, because everyone can make a mistake. The main thing is not to stay idle and do everything possible to change the situation if you really realized your mistakes.
Loss of a loved one
Unfortunately, nothing can be fixed here. But you can devote your life to something noble, something that will make your loved ones, loved ones or strangers happy. The most effective remedy for depression is useful work. Get involved in charity work, start helping children, the elderly or sick people. Give up trying to change the past, live in the present, and take care of those around you so that you will not face even more bitter disappointment in the future. Finally, think about what the person would like, what actions they would expect from you, whether they would approve of your depression.
Missed opportunities
Often, people postpone things for later, justifying it by the fact that there is plenty of time ahead. In fact, life is not as long as we would like it to be. If it seems to you that you have missed many opportunities, and you only have to live, content with what you have, then you are wrong. You need to understand that everything that happens does not always depend on you and your will. What always happens is exactly what should happen. Each phenomenon has its own reason, to understand it, it is enough to answer the question "why?" about every event in your life.
Remember one thing: everything that happened had to happen. If something is not destined for you, then no matter how hard you try, circumstances will still arise that impede your plans. Start evaluating your current situation as a state of expectation, a feeling of change that is sure to occur. It is in your power to choose with what attitude to approach them: tormented by missed opportunities that would not have been realized anyway, or do everything in order to create new prospects. It is very important to understand that a lot in life happens independently of you, but you should try to do your best at every stage of your life.