What Kind Of Milk Did Cleopatra Prefer?

What Kind Of Milk Did Cleopatra Prefer?
What Kind Of Milk Did Cleopatra Prefer?

The name of the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra has been synonymous with beauty for more than one millennium, and the secrets, thanks to which she remained beautiful and desirable, excite the minds of many women. After all, her hair was always smooth and shiny, and her skin was soft and velvety.

Milk and honey baths of Cleopatra
Milk and honey baths of Cleopatra

Cleopatra's appearance and personality

In fairness, it should be noted that Cleopatra's beauty is considered highly questionable. Based on numerous excavations, analyzes of ancient images and according to the surviving memories of her contemporaries, it can be concluded that the queen was short, somewhat plump, had a long, humped nose, thin lips and a strongly protruding chin.

And despite this, Cleopatra was very desirable. This fact is explained quite simply - she carefully watched herself, sometimes using the most exotic ingredients for this: crocodile dung, powder from snail shells and African petal gold.

Her cosmetic tweaks gave fantastic results. Despite the hot and dry climate of Egypt, the queen's skin was always smooth and firm, her hair shone, and her body exuded sweet aromas.

Cleopatra's milk baths

The main beauty secret of Cleopatra is her legendary milk and honey baths. She carried out this procedure every day, using fresh milk from young donkeys for her.

In ancient Egypt, it was believed that donkey milk preserves youth and cures many diseases. Today, scientists can say for sure why donkey milk is so unique. Research has shown that the proteins it contains help the skin to produce collagen, which is responsible for elasticity. In addition, it contains antioxidants that also inhibit the aging process. But the benefits of donkey milk do not end there either. Even fresh, it has a beneficial effect on the human digestive system, being much more effective than cow. But Cleopatra was a supporter of fermented milk products. The queen was in excellent health. According to historical sources, she managed to maintain a fresh blush until her death. So Cleopatra was right - donkey milk is a kind of "elixir of beauty and health."

According to historical data, even while traveling, the queen did not deny herself this pleasure to take her favorite milk bath. Several donkeys were always led behind her chariot.

Fragrant Alexandrian honey and, according to some sources, almond oil were added to these baths. The water was never heated, so as not to burn the sensitive skin of the ruler. The bath temperature has always been around 36-37 degrees.

Before the milk and honey bath, the slaves rubbed Cleopatra's body with a mixture of sea salt and heavy cream, which was also prepared from donkey milk. This enhanced the miraculous effect of the bath, smoothening the queen's skin and giving it a beautiful shade.

Taking care of the skin of the body, Cleopatra did not forget about the skin of her face. It was from under her light hand that masks of milk and honey appeared, so beloved now by many of the fair sex. Cleopatra knew perfectly well that honey and milk are universal and suitable for absolutely any skin. These masks were prepared for her from the same fresh donkey milk.

The aromas of milk and honey in esoteric teachings were associated with youth and freshness. These smells, which followed the legendary woman in a train, reinforced the impression of Cleopatra's beauty among those around her.
