How To Use Vidal's Milk

How To Use Vidal's Milk
How To Use Vidal's Milk

Even one small pimple on the face can cause a bad mood, and if there are several of them, then in order to return the skin to a healthy look, all means are used, from medications to folk remedies. It is a pity that not everyone knows about the remedy with which all skin diseases were treated in the last century, and it is called Vidal's milk.

Application of Vidal's milk
Application of Vidal's milk

Description and properties of Vidal's milk

Many doctors consider Vidal's milk one of the most effective drugs in the treatment and prevention of various skin rashes. Compared to the more expensive and advertised products, this drug has the greatest effect in the fight against acne, skin rashes and teenage acne. Treatment can be started at any stage of the disease and gives good results even in very advanced cases.

Vidal's milk contains the most common ingredients, well-known to everyone, salicylic and boric acid, camphor, sulfur and glycerin. Pharmacy pharmacists combine these components, each of which has its own medicinal properties, into a water-alcohol chatterbox. The complex effect on the skin is provided due to the peculiarities of the effect of each component of the drug.

A small amount of alcohol dries well the skin and sebaceous glands, restores the alkaline balance and has an antimicrobial effect. Sulfur has an antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory effect, it has an itching and keratoplastic effect. Acids help to exfoliate dead skin cells, have an astringent and antiseptic effect. Camphor fights bacteria, eliminates irritation and itching, and provides better microcirculation in the skin.

Application of Vidal's milk

Vidal's milk is best used in the afternoon or before bed. It is not necessary to wash it off after some time after application. If the disease is started, during the day you can wipe the skin with mint lotion, which will enhance the effect of the drug. In more severe cases, the lotion can be replaced with chloramphenicol, or another antibiotic-containing product recommended by the attending physician. In case of allergic reactions, redness of the skin and severe itching, the use of the drug should be stopped immediately and the instructions of a dermatologist should be followed.

Like all medicines, Vidal's milk has contraindications. It should not be used by people with very dry skin. If warts and birthmarks are present on the skin, do not apply the drug to these areas. Very inflamed, and even more so bleeding, acne must first be treated under the supervision of a specialist dermatologist. The drug cannot be used to treat children under the age of seven, and is not recommended for those suffering from bronchial asthma.
