When preparing documents, a person can make some mistakes. There is a category of forms in which you can correct records. Such documents include invoice, work book and others. The main thing is that the errors are corrected correctly.

Step 1
First of all, make sure that you really made a mistake in the formatted document. For example, you have compiled an invoice for goods issue to a warehouse. After some time, they found that they were mistaken in the number of units. Before making corrective entries, double-check the actual availability of materials in the warehouse. You can also take inventory. To do this, by order, appoint the members and the chairman of the commission, the date of the inventory, select the object of verification.
Step 2
After the inaccuracy in the data has been confirmed, correct the document. To do this, in the presence of the chief accountant, cross out the incorrect information with one line, do it so that it is possible to read the previously indicated data. Indicate the correct numbers next to it, write the wording “To believe corrected”. Date the correction entry, sign and seal the organization.
Step 3
If you made a mistake in your work book, double-check the information. For this you need an order. Let's say an employee has been transferred to another position. You suspect that the wording of the position is incorrect. Pick up the administrative document and check the data. If the error is confirmed, call the owner of the work book, make corrections by filling out an adjustment record. To do this, under the incorrect information, write "The entry under the number _ is invalid." In another line below, indicate the correct wording, put down the number and date of the order.
Step 4
Note that some documents cannot be changed (for example, bank and cash forms). Therefore, if you find an error, draw up an act on the destruction of the forms and the loss of their legal force. After that, issue a new document with reliable data.