How To Melt Copper?

How To Melt Copper?
How To Melt Copper?

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If you have a need to melt metal for any purpose, you will face a number of problems that you can solve and still perform this procedure with your own hands. For example, melting copper is not as difficult as many other materials. And if you wish, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

How to melt copper?
How to melt copper?


Step 1

Find a way to get temperatures greater than 1083 degrees Celsius. This temperature is necessary for the copper to start melting. Don't believe stories of how people were able to melt copper over a fire in a tin can or a piece of copper wire on a spoon using only a lighter. Even if their stories are real, one conclusion can be drawn - it was not copper.

Step 2

You can use a blast furnace if there is one where you live or if you have the opportunity to use it. Before renting a stove, make sure that it can heat up to the temperature you need and that it has the ability to adjust the heat, as it is impossible for copper to boil. You need to be able to balance between temperature extremes.

Step 3

Try building a smelting furnace yourself at home. You can make a melting furnace at home from scrap materials. The schemes by which such furnaces are made are on each specialized forum. The most common design is created from a used fire extinguisher. If you choose this option, then saw off the head of the fire extinguisher and attach a lockable cover. Clay the interior and install a melting element, which can be purchased from specialized stores.

Step 4

Remember that the mold into which the molten copper will be poured must have a higher melting point than the copper itself.

Step 5

Do not forget about the nitrogen environment that you need to create for successful melting, otherwise you may simply waste material.
