What Are The Barcodes For All Countries

What Are The Barcodes For All Countries
What Are The Barcodes For All Countries

The barcode of the producing countries consists of two or three digits, which are placed at the beginning of the linear marking of the product. The barcode may not match the country of origin for several reasons.

Example of a barcode for a product manufactured in the UK
Example of a barcode for a product manufactured in the UK

Information encrypted in the barcode

A barcode, or barcode, is a series of horizontally placed vertical black and white lines in which a small amount of information is encrypted. Numbers, which are most often encoded in a linear fashion, are usually written under the vertical lines of the bar code. Thus, the encoding is available for visual perception and for reading by a special technical means - a scanner.

The most common encoding that we are used to seeing on all kinds of goods in stores is EAN-13. This marking consists of thirteen digits, among which the first two or three characters determine the country in which the product was produced. They are followed by four or five digits (it depends on the length of the state cipher) encrypted by the manufacturer. They are followed by the first digit of the product coding, indicating its name. The next figure determines the consumer properties of the product. It is followed by a figure that determines the size, weight of the product. Next is the coding of the ingredients, followed by a number indicating the color of the product. The barcode ends with a check digit that prevents counterfeiting of goods.

Country barcodes

The International EAN Association deals with the assignment of bar codes to states. Below is a list of barcodes according to the EAN coding system of those countries that are most often found on goods in our stores:

- Austria - 90-91; - Belarus - 481; - Belgium - 54; - Great Britain - 50; - Hungary - 599; - Germany - from 400 to 440; - Georgia - 486; - Spain - 84; - Italy - 80-83; - Indonesia - 899; - Canada - 00-09; - Cyprus - 529; - China - 690-691; - Israel - 729; - Moldova - 484; - Colombia - 770; - Cuba - 850; - Latvia - 475; - Lithuania - 477; - Netherlands - 87; - Norway - 70; - Poland - 590; - Russia - 460-469; - Romania - 594; - Slovakia - 858; - Slovenia - 383; - Thailand - 885; - Turkey - 869; - Ukraine - 482; - France - 30-37; - Finland - 64; - Croatia - 385; - Czech Republic - 859; - Switzerland - 76; - Estonia - 474; - Japan - 45 and 49.

Below is a list of barcodes for other countries:

- Australia - 93; - Azerbaijan - 476; - Algeria - 613; - Argentina - 779; - Armenia - 485; - Bosnia and Herzegovina - 387; - Bulgaria - 380; - Bolivia - 777; - Brazil - 789; - Venezuela - 759; - Vietnam - 893; - Guatemala - 740; - Guadeloupe - 489; - Honduras - 742; - Greece - 520; - Denmark - 57; - Dominican Republic - 746; - Egypt - 622; - Jordan - 625; - India - 890; - Ireland - 539; - Iran - 626; - Iceland - 569; - Kazakhstan - 487; - Kenya - 616; - Costa Rica - 744; - Lebanon - 528; - Luxembourg - 54; - Mauritania - 609; - Macau - 958; - Macedonia - 531; - Malaysia - 955; - Malta - 535; - Mexico - 750; - Morocco and Western Sahara - 611; - Nicaragua - 743; - New Zealand - 94; - Panama - 745; - Paraguay - 784; - Peru - 775; - Portugal - 560; - El Salvador - 741; - Saudi Arabia - 628; - North Korea - 867; - Serbia - 860; - Singapore - 888; - Syria - 621; - USA - 00-09; - Taiwan - 471; - Tunisia - 619; - Uzbekistan - 478; - Uruguay - 773; - Philippines - 480; - Chile - 780; - Sweden - 73; - Sri Lanka - 479; - Ecuador - 786; - South Korea - 880; - South Africa - 600-601.

Sometimes the barcode may not match the country of manufacture indicated in the product description on the package. This can happen for several reasons: - the company has passed state registration and received its bar code in the country where the export of its products is directed, and not in its own country; - products are manufactured at a subsidiary; - the product was actually manufactured by an enterprise from another country, to the order of the company; - the founders of the company are several enterprises from different countries.
