Best Wishes For The Road

Best Wishes For The Road
Best Wishes For The Road

The wish for the road for the Russians has a special meaning. This is a kind of ritual of farewell to loved ones, which is accompanied by wishes. For centuries, travel wishes have been symbolic. In the modern Russian language there are speech formulations, which are based on the traditional connection of travel with danger and uncertainty.

Best wishes for the road
Best wishes for the road

Best wishes for the road

Since ancient times, going on a journey has been considered a risky business. Therefore, our ancestors wished the traveler only all the best for the journey. Wishes for the road are a talisman that accompanies the farewell ritual of the Slavs.

Rituals before the road

Modern wishes for the journey are the surviving echoes of Slavic pagan customs, which are steadily rooted in Russian culture. Until now, the ritual "sit on the path", which has a practical meaning, is still relevant. A person has the opportunity to think over everything well, to remember if he has forgotten any important thing. Also, our ancestors had a common ritual to grab the corner of the table before traveling. The corners of the Russian hut and furniture were a concentrate of strength and special energy. The traveler took with him a part of the protective energy of the house. If you forgot something at home, then you must definitely return and look in the mirror. This brought the traveler good luck and saved him from the dark forces.

The creation of an amulet for the traveler was considered important in the farewell ritual. God Veles was the main patron saint of travelers. Therefore, on the road, amulets were made of pine in the form of a human figure. Such a talisman had a powerful effect if a conspiracy was read over it. However, the most popular amulet was the travel guide - a figurine made of cloth twisted with a hemp rope. If the rope remained intact, then the traveler was not threatened with danger and trouble.

Today, amulets and rituals have become just wishes for the journey. However, the belief that they have a protective function has survived to this day.

Modern wishes on the road

A modern person associates the road not only with walking, but also with a car, plane, ship, train, etc. Therefore, wishes for the journey have become more diverse, but retained their protective function. The most common parting words are "happy (good) journey", "good luck", "sit down on the path",

"Pleasant trip", "comfortable ride", "early return", "take care of yourself", "God bless you" and their options.

They wish the motorist a “fast path”, “flat (smooth) road”, “be careful on the road”, “interesting fellow travelers”, “fewer sharp turns”, “let there be no congestion, no traffic jams, no accidents”, etc. If you have a flight waiting for you, then they wish you “to get there and not to lose your luggage,” “I wish you a flight without delays,” “a pleasant flight.” The expression "like a tablecloth road" originally meant the desire for a flat and smooth road. However, now this phrase is ironic.
