How To Develop A Voice

How To Develop A Voice
How To Develop A Voice

Someone has a beautiful velvety voice from birth, and someone, alas, is deprived of the singer's talent. However, natural data can be improved by doing the right exercises day after day. If you are not very good at singing, you have a chance to develop your voice to a pretty decent level at home. You will need a voice recorder and a mirror for this.

How to develop a voice
How to develop a voice

You can naturally have an exceptional ear for music, but at the same time be deprived of the melodic voice. In this case, it is a sin not to take the opportunity to develop your voice. The vocal cords are muscles, and any muscle can be developed with the right exercises.

Breathe right

First you need to learn how to breathe. And not just breathe, but do it right. To do this, several breathing exercises should be performed. Walk up and down the room, counting your in and out. In the first two steps, breathe in, in the next two, breathe out. Over time, the intervals between inhalation and exhalation should be increased - up to about 10 steps.

There is another very useful exercise. Stand straight, put your hands shoulder-width apart, put your hands in the lock and lift up. Inhale while bending backward and exhale leaning forward. When leaning forward, pronounce lingering vowel sounds with the exhalation.

Pronounce syllables and tongue twisters

It is better to use such combinations of letters that contain vowels and consonants at the same time, for example, "thme", "thmu", "thma" and the like. Also tongue twisters will help you. There are a great many of them, so you can pick the ones that you like the most. Try to choose expressions for pronunciation that contain combinations of as many sounds as possible. To begin with, do this exercise at a slow pace, gradually increasing it each time.

Read aloud

Reading fiction aloud, both poetry and prose, is also helpful for developing vocal cords. Watch your diction, pronounce each letter clearly, put logical accents and pauses in the right places. It is useful to record your pronunciation on a dictaphone so that you can then listen to your voice and evaluate whether you make mistakes in the process of reading, and what kind of mistakes they are. Read no more than ten to fifteen minutes at a time, gradually increasing the reading time to an hour or more.

Sing along

Finally, to develop your voice, sing. You can start with chants, and end with the actual performance of musical pieces. You can chant any words, phrases and even syllables that were previously spoken aloud, with different tones, from low to as high as you can. This will define your own range. To lower your voice, practice normal breathing through your nose or do an exercise called buzzing. Press your chin to your chest and make the sound "w-w-w-w-w". By doing this exercise every day, you will get results in a fairly short time.
