How To Use Scissors

How To Use Scissors
How To Use Scissors

Table of contents:


Cutting nails in humans and animals, cutting out various shapes from paper and cardboard, and so on, all these actions require scissors. They come in various shapes, sizes, and the purpose of each species is completely different. And you just need to know how to use them correctly.

How to use scissors
How to use scissors


Step 1

Children's scissors. You should start teaching your child at the age of 3. First, choose a pair of scissors that are comfortable for him to hold in his hand.

Step 2

The selection of scissors should be carried out as follows: the tips should be rounded and meet the individual characteristics of the child: for right-handers - the upper blade should be on the left side, and for left-handers - on the right.

Step 3

Preliminary work. First, you should give the child the opportunity to practice tearing paper, strength exercises, and then start learning.

Step 4

Correct position of the fingers. The thumb is threaded through one ring, and the middle one into the other. The scissors should point to the side. The index finger is placed on the ring, near the middle. All others should rest on the palm of the child. For better assimilation, a clear example of an adult is needed.

Step 5

Working with paper. After securing the correct position of the fingers, you can proceed to training. To do this, you need to place a sheet of paper above the level of the child's eyes. With an incision, the baby will automatically intercept the scissors more comfortably, which, in the end, will be the most correct location.

Step 6

An illustrative example. For a better understanding of the child about the methods of working with scissors, the adult needs to show the entire sequence of actions: slowly cut the sheet and create figures, commenting on each of his actions. The main thing is to show patience and calmness, as well as provide any help to the child.

Step 7

Scissors for cutting nails. There are nail scissors with different tips: sharp, rounded and curved.

Step 8

Manicure scissors should be used to trim nails, burrs and cuticles. For the last two steps, preliminary work is required. Nails are trimmed with scissors with rounded ends.

Step 9

File your nails. Dip your hands in a salt bath. Cuticles can be removed using a spatula - rakes in one direction - and scissors with curved ends - the skin is carefully cut off. Burrs should be removed with sharp-tipped nail scissors.

Step 10

There are also scissors for cutting hair, dog nails and cutting plastic and metal.
