Since ancient times, the Slavs have carried out cleansing by fire - a magical ritual that allows you to cleanse the energy of a person or home from negative influences. With the help of fire, you can get rid of spoilage and put protection from the evil eye.

- - Wax candles;
- - Holy water;
- - Prayer book.
Step 1
Previously, cleansing by fire was carried out at high bonfires, calling for help from the energetic entities that inhabit forests and lakes. At present, the rite of purification by fire looks much more modest. However, even a candle flame can clear a person's aura of negativity. Please note that the more effective the procedure will be, the more sincere the person relates to the ritual. If you perform the ritual as a joke, you can get the opposite effect.
Step 2
First of all, light a wax candle and try to focus your attention on its flame. Imagine how this little flame burns the surrounding evil. Holding the candle in your left hand, go to the front door. Move from it along the walls in a clockwise direction. Watch how the flame behaves. If in some places it begins to crackle and smoke, it means that there is an accumulation of negative energy.
Step 3
Cross suspicious places three times with a burning candle, reading prayers to saints or conspiracies. Subsequently, after the end of the ritual, rinse these places with water illuminated in an Orthodox church. Going back to the front door, leave a candle on its threshold. It must burn out completely, otherwise the ceremony will be considered incomplete.
Step 4
After completing the ritual of cleaning the room, go to the mirror and move the lighted candle along your body in slow, smooth movements. If the fire burns evenly, calm down, the aura is in order and does not need to be cleaned. When the fire flares up unevenly and smokes, read “Our Father” 3 times, remembering to baptize your body with a candle.
Step 5
If you feel unwell, light 12 church candles and whisper the following conspiracy on them: Bless for cleansing, Lord. Spirits of fire and water, help to cleanse, take away anger and misfortune, burn them in fire, drown them in water, so that they do not return to me, the servant of God (name). Let it be so. Amen.
Step 6
Place the candles in a circle on the floor, sit between them and imagine yourself on the shore of a crystal clear lake. Read Our Father 9 times, relax and watch the candle flame. Imagine that you are aboard a light boat gliding slowly over soft waves. Feeling sudden lightheadedness, you can be sure that your energy is polluted with negativity. Continue performing the ceremony until you feel better. Stopping the ritual, be sure to thank the spirits of Fire and Water for their help. Purge daily until you feel a steady improvement in your condition.