Real gold should not only shine, but also have other signs of its authenticity. As practice shows, any gilding is not so easy to distinguish from real gold. There are many ways to determine real gold, but the surest is the presence of a sample on the ring. Whatever you say, but the test, in any case, is set by the master or the technique that interacted with the given metal. It is easy and simple to determine the sample from a jewelry master, but such a service is not always worth the money that you are willing to spend on this operation.

Determination of the sample of gold using improvised means
Step 1
Before you begin to establish a gold standard, you need to find out: is there really gold in front of you? It makes no sense to carry out complex operations to clarify the sample on gilding. One of the simplest ways to determine the authenticity of gold is to identify the degree of magnetization of a gold product. The magnet weakly attracts real gold. If your product is well magnetized, this indicates a low purity of gold or the presence of gilding in the product.
Step 2
When rubbing gold on ceramic tiles that are not burnt, you can recognize its authenticity based on the remaining traces. Gilding will leave gray or dark marks. The same can be done with the help of a home first-aid kit: drop a drop of iodine on the surface of the gold product - darkening indicates a fake. The reaction of gilding to a vinegar solution will be exactly the same.
Step 3
Based on all the methods described above, one can judge the quality of gold. If you have some additional materials in your home, you can recognize the fineness of gold. This is the way jewelers use. The alleged gold is subjected to some processing: it is necessary to use needles of different samples and apply a scratch to the product. Then nitric acid is poured into this micro-scratch, based on the remaining color in this scratch, a conclusion is made about the metal sample.