What Is Meditation As A State

What Is Meditation As A State
What Is Meditation As A State

More and more people are fond of various oriental practices, looking for a way to get rid of routine and everyday life. Meditation becomes a real discovery for many.


We can say that meditation is a state of pure consciousness devoid of content. The consciousness of a modern person is overflowing with insignificant petty reflections, nonsense, it resembles a mirror covered with a layer of dust. These layers do not allow you to see the reflection of your real, true self. Many people don't even know who they really are. Meditation can help you gain this valuable knowledge, dust off, and look at your reflection.

Meditation, in a sense, can be opposed to the mind. The mind is a constant crowd, a person analyzes his desires, tries to systematize thoughts, memories, ambitions. The brain of any person is constantly functioning, even in a dream, giving rise to dreams and nightmares. Meditation is a state that allows you to rise above this constant vanity, to go beyond the usual framework.

Lack of thoughts, fuss, silence of consciousness - this is meditation. It is in this state that one can get as close as possible to understanding some absolute truth. Meditation cannot be approached from the standpoint of reason, because it opposes it and even denies it. We can say that a person comprehends what meditation is when he realizes the falsity of the ancient expression "I think, so I exist."

The deeper the meditation, the clearer it becomes that man is not his mind. At this moment, moments of absolute silence, silence appear, a feeling of pure space arises. It is in this state that a person can find out who he is and why he exists. It is rather difficult for a modern person to enter this state, many take years to achieve it, but the result is almost always worth long practice.

It should be understood that meditation is by no means concentration. After all, in order to concentrate, there must be an object of concentration. Meditation seeks to move as far as possible from the very idea of objects, boundaries. In the state of meditation, there can be no boundary between "I" and "the world" or between "inside" and "outside". Concentration, unlike meditation, causes fatigue and drains the mind. Any concentration is a state that can be achieved only for a short period of time. Meditation is rather a process of liberation from conventional ideas about the world, and this process does not take place on a conscious level, without involving the mind.
