Why Time Is Money

Why Time Is Money
Why Time Is Money

Sometimes we use different expressions without even thinking about their meaning. For example, we say “time is money” when we go somewhere. But in fact, in life, rarely does anyone adhere to the same motto. Maybe just because they don't know why time is equal to money?

Why time is money
Why time is money

The expression "Time is money" has existed, as is commonly believed, since 1748. For the first time it was applied by the American politician, scientist Benjamin Franklin in his essay "Advice to a Young Merchant". And its simplest interpretation: you shouldn't waste your time, since you could earn money for it. Another common version is the opposite understanding of this phrase. If you have money, then you have time. Time is equal to money - the more the latter, the more freedom, the more time. Of course, you should not fall into bouts of commercialism and hastily convert your free minutes into any currency. After all, the phrase "time is money" does not mean that the state and the minutes are valued equally. Indeed, what is more expensive? Everyone has time. Someone has more, someone less - how lucky. Money is not for everyone. But time cannot be exchanged for any bills. But you can earn some money thanks to the availability of time. The slogan "time is money" is the most effective one for all sloths who like to look for an excuse for themselves. “I’ll just lie down for half an hour and get to work,” someone argues, like Oblomov in the eponymous work. In the conditions of modern society, motivation for action by earnings is much more understandable for many than movement towards some goal. And it is much easier to explain to subordinates who have sat down for a conversation or just mindlessly spending time by comparing time with money. For those who cannot appreciate the significance of the hours and minutes allotted to them in this life, the concept of time becomes much clearer in comparison with wealth. One cannot argue with the fact that money can be extracted from time. You can manage your time in such a way that your earnings tend to numbers with an infinite number of zeros. You can find promising vacancies, create your own business, play on the stock exchange, in the end - learn the skill of poker. There are many ways to earn money, it only takes time to master and apply them.
