Why Is A Cactus Dangerous?

Why Is A Cactus Dangerous?
Why Is A Cactus Dangerous?

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Thorny plants under the general name "cactus" have long become habitual inhabitants of window sills. Like any plant, the cactus follows many myths, according to which it should not be kept at home.

Prickly pear cactus
Prickly pear cactus


Step 1

The cactus is not on the list of plants that should not be kept at home. These plants are rarely poisonous, and only the needles of this plant can pose a danger. If a small child has appeared in the house, it is enough to remove the cacti higher, out of his reach, and there will be no threat to the child's health. The same applies to pets that have appeared in the house. For aquarium fish, snails or turtles, cacti are not dangerous even when standing in their usual place, on their windowsill. A kitten, puppy or rat can knock over a cactus, prick it with needles, most likely, this will be enough to no longer approach it. In particularly severe cases, the needle can become stuck in the mouth or on the animal's body and cause discomfort. Most often you can remove it yourself, without resorting to the help of veterinarians. If you notice a needle late, it can cause a small abscess like any other splinter. Most cactus needles are not poisonous.

Step 2

Even those types of cacti that are considered poisonous in their homeland are unlikely to remain as such on the windowsill in the apartment. They will need too much hot sun to produce poison, and this is most often impossible under the sun of the middle lane. But besides true cacti, there are plants that are often grown at home and are often called cacti for the presence of thorns. Poisonous ones are also found among them. First of all, these are all types of milkweed, or europhobia. Euphorbia looks different, depending on the species, but a common feature for all is the appearance of white milky juice on the fractures, which in concentration resembles not milk, but rather thick cream. It is this juice that is poisonous, contact with the skin can cause allergies and even chemical burns - the strength of the reaction depends on the amount of juice and the degree of sensitivity. If the juice gets into the mouth, it can also cause burns to the mucous membranes and upset stomach and intestines, and in addition, headache, dizziness, nausea, and darkening of the eyes.

Step 3

Many succulent plants, even without the presence of thorns, are unknowingly referred to as cacti, and there are many poisonous among them. In recent years, adenium, a plant with a bizarre thickened trunk and beautiful flowers, has become very popular in indoor floriculture. The plant is unpretentious, easily grows from both seeds and cuttings, which makes it even more common. But not everyone knows that this plant is completely poisonous - bark, roots, leaves, flowers and even seeds. When it comes into contact with the skin, its poison is not dangerous, but once inside, it causes damage to the entire body. Many varieties of aloe, popular in recent days, are also poisonous. Aloe striped and aloe frightening when ingested can cause intestinal and uterine bleeding, leading to miscarriage. This is especially dangerous due to the fact that other types of aloe are used in traditional medicine.
