Two large groups of people are distinguished by biological rhythms, that is, by waking time, and four main groups by temperament. Among them are the so-called choleric people.

All psychological types of a person are so different that today special medical recommendations have been developed regarding the correct diet for representatives of each group. But, before you know how to eat, for example, choleric people, you should find out the characteristics of these people.
Choleric people are seriously fond of their work, they work to wear and tear. Therefore, such people are prone to more rapid physical and emotional exhaustion.
Features of the diet of choleric people during depression
However, when a period of "stagnation" begins in the life of a choleric, he loses self-control and may become depressed. The result is a bad mood, a losing streak and weight gain. It is no longer necessary to do without radical measures.
In this regard, nutritionists make an urgent recommendation for choleric people to adhere to a fractional diet, using small portions.
The daily diet is divided into several meals that correspond to the desire for food intake.
In other words, you need to listen to your body, which will always tell you when to eat soup, and when it is better to limit yourself to a cup of coffee or kefir. The main thing in this matter is not to enclose your own food intake in any framework.
As for the diet of the consumed products, it is advisable to include in it more of a variety of protein foods, which for a long time allows you to provide the body with a sense of fullness. A mushroom omelet or a boiled egg can be a great start to the day.
The most recommended foods that are required in the diet of choleric people
You should not neglect the second breakfast, since the food is better, of course, to make it fractional. It is advisable to stimulate mental processes not only with chocolate, but also by using natural products, among which priority should be such as honey, fruits (grapes, melons, figs), as well as berries.
It is especially useful for choleric people to eat fish because of the high amount of omega-3 fatty acids in it.
In addition, this category of persons is useful when food is eaten cold or warm, snacks and salads made from raw vegetables and herbs are welcome in the diet.
Meals must necessarily include, in addition to salads, also hot first and second courses. Only with such a diet can a person feel. Ready for productive, exhausting activity.